The trailer for the upcoming third season of Kelly Khumalo's reality show, Life with Kelly Khumalo, set tongues wagging when it was released in June. In the much-talked-about trailer, Khumalo said some people wished that she had died "on that day" her daughter's father, Senzo Meyiwa, was shot dead. "You have to watch the season to understand. The season will answer the questions," the singer tells Channel24. "I'm very excited about this season. This season is quite powerful. This season has a lot of authority. This season has a completely different energy about it," the mother of two says. Khumalo says in season three she owns who she is with authority. "This is quite an exciting journey for me," she says. "It's exciting to see myself from this perspective." Filming for season three of Life with Kelly Khumalo picked up in April. At the time, Khumalo topped social media trend lists as the docu-series Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star had just been released on Netflix, and the trial into Meyiwa's murder was about to begin. Life with Kelly Khumalo, season three is now streaming on Showmax. Click 'read more' for the full interview. |