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Upcoming Free Webinar


Superheroes to the Rescue:
Battling the Challenges of Clinical Orientation and Retention


Thursday, March 28, 2019
1:00 - 2:00 P.M. EDT



What to Expect


Hospitals are under constant pressure to reduce costs around clinical orientation and continuing education while also combating high turnover rates. The impact is staggering.

Learn how you can become a Superhero to your organization by implementing key initiatives to battle the challenges. Hear first-hand success stories from guest Superheros on how moving to standardized products has made a significant difference.

Learn about key initiatives hospitals can implement to address the challenges around reducing orientation and continuing education costs


Understand the benefits of implementing a standardized orientation program and offering evidence-based tools

Uncover effective ways to combat high turnover rates 


Three industry leader speakers presenting compelling data and experience within this subject matter 

Speaker Info

Tammy Purcell, MSN, RNC-OB
Clinical Nurse Executive

Priscillas Bragg, MSN, MSEd, RAC-CT
Manager, Clinical Services
Good Samaritan Society

Karen McCreary RN, BSN, MBA
Chief Operating Officer
Concordia Community Support Services

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Register today before its too late!

We're looking forward to connecting with you during our webinar.

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Register anyway, and we'll send you the webinar slides. 


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