How to use the redesigned Facebook — How to spot fake reviews   ;
Tech Tips & How-Tos September 3, 2020 |
24 things you need this year that you didn’t need last year I've been digging around for good finds on Amazon that might make life comfortable for all of us — or at least a little easier to handle, anyway. Browse through my picks, including great gadgets to have around the house and new tech to make you a remote-work pro. Tap or click here to learn what Amazon items Kim recommends to help you get through this pandemic. → | 2 clever ways to improve work productivity Do we really need studies to tell us what negatively affects our productivity? We all know how much time social media, email and bad habits can suck away. But how can we fight the distraction to get more done and stop spending so much time glued to our desks? We'll show you. Tap or click for ways to up your productivity and work smarter. → |
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The easiest way to save money online We all shop online — a lot. It's convenient, easy and essential right now when you're spending more time at home. Make online shopping even better with Honey. Honey is the FREE online shopping tool that automatically finds the best promo codes and applies them to your cart. Just download Honey to your computer and shop on all your favorite websites like normal. It automatically finds you deals wherever you shop. Honey works on nearly every online store including Walmart, Target, The Home Depot and Macy’s. Honey users have saved over $2 billion. Not using Honey is literally passing up free money. Get Honey for free at → |
One of my most popular eBooks: 'How to Get Free HDTV and Cut the Cable' Are you sick of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars each month on channels you never watch? Ready to save money and still watch your can’t-miss shows, sports, news and movies? It’s time to cut the cord or ditch the satellite dish. You’re probably not sure where to start, and that’s where I come in. In “How to Get Free HDTV and Cut the Cable,” I’ll walk you through how to say goodbye to your expensive cable subscription and still watch the shows you love. I’ll teach you about the different service options and help you find the hardware you need. Don't miss out! Get your copy on Amazon Kindle. → |
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