Kitty Is a Thief From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons from the Cat By Nicole Ann Rook McAlister Way down deep, we're all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them. ~Jim Davis Zipper was a nondescript gray tabby, but her personality made up for that; once anyone met her, she was rarely forgotten. She practically raised my sister and me. My parents referred to her as "The Nanny Cat." She walked us to school, slept in our beds, and consoled us whenever we cried. In return, we dressed her in doll clothes, nursed her with baby bottles of milk, and fed her under the table. Thanksgiving was Zipper's favorite time. This was the only day she was not constantly by our sides. Instead, she stayed next to my mother, making sure to be underfoot, especially as my mother transported the bird from counter to oven and back again. She'd meow, beg and plead, but she'd have to wait patiently for the diced-up gizzards to be split between her and the dog. (Keep reading) |