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Late Scientist’s Research Could Yield New Cancer Treatments

A new study reveals that DDT-related chemicals dumped into the ocean decades ago are still impacting Los Angeles’ coastal waters. Researchers tested sediment and deep-sea fish samples for a large suite of DDT-related chemicals and found at least 10 of these harmful chemicals present in their samples. The findings suggest that pollution may be moving from the seafloor and into the marine food web.

Researchers have developed new technology called “proactive vaccinology” that can protect against a broad range of coronaviruses – including ones that have not been identified yet. In mice, the new vaccine raised a broad immune response, even for those who were pre-immunized with SARS-CoV-2. With a simple design and broad applicability, the team hopes to bring their new technology to vaccine development for many health challenges.

The transition from the African Humid Period (AHP) to dry conditions in North Africa is the clearest example of climate tipping points in recent geological history. Climate researchers have identified two main types of tipping points: With the first type, processes slow at an increasing rate and the climate has a hard time recovering from disturbances until a transition occurs. The second type is characterized by a flickering between stable humid and dry climates that occurs shortly before the transition.

As much as we might not want to think about it, mucus is everywhere in our bodies. It coats our airways and our digestive systems and serves as a first line of defense against pathogens, a habitat for our microbiomes, and a conveyor belt for our insides to keep everything moving smoothly. The front-line role of mucus means it is often the site of the first symptoms of infection or disease. Understanding how mucus changes, and what it changes in response to, can help diagnose illnesses and develop treatments.

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