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Latest iOS 16 Beta Wallpaper Hints Always-on Display on iPhone 14

By Dave Johnson on Jul 29, 2022 04:42 pm
We’ve heard rumors of the iPhone 14 Pro models spotting an always-on display (AOD). Now a piece of evidence in the latest iOS 16 beta confirms the claim. It also shows how Apple might implement the technology. An AOD allows a device to show limited information while the phone is asleep. Users can conveniently view […]

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The Top Hidden iOS 16 Features You Should Know About

By Parth Shah on Jul 29, 2022 12:03 pm
iOS 16 isn’t limited to lock screen customization tricks and improvements to default apps. While these features dominated the WWDC presentation slides, the iOS 16 offers much more than what Apple announced on stage. Here are the top fifteen hidden iOS 16 features Apple didn’t talk about. You shouldn’t dismiss iOS 16 as an incremental […]

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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Apple in Portugal Over App Commission Rates

By Jeff on Jul 29, 2022 12:00 pm
Apple and Google are at the forefront of a new class action lawsuit filed in Portugal. The complaint alleges that their 30% app marketplace commission rates are “anticompetitive and excessive.” The class action suit, filed with the Portuguese Competition Court by Professor Fabrizio Esposito, seeks damages amounting to up to 100 million euros ($101.5 million). […]

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Apple Reports $19.4B Profit & Record Q3 2022 Revenue Despite Supply Chain Disruption

By Sriansh on Jul 29, 2022 06:35 am
Apple has officially announced financial results for Q3, 2022 (second calendar quarter), covering the months of April, May, and June. The company has reported a revenue of $83 billion, a profit of $19.4 billion, and earnings-per-share of $1.20 for Q3, 2022. Apple had not provided any guidance for financial results for Q3 2022 due to […]

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