I've been a big believer in visualization, setting intention, and seeing my dreams become reality. I've created extraordinary results in my life as a result. Athletic world records, multi-million dollar businesses, friendships with some of the brightest, most successful people in the world, etc. But this quote made me think about what's really going on when it comes to the power of belief. Is it possible to create amazing results by just believing that they will come? I'm gonna say no . . . and if you look at the quote closer, that's not what it's saying. It says " . . . and go after it . . . " Those are some important words. Because here's the truth: whether you call it the law of attraction or the power of hard work, dreams don't work unless you do! (I took that quote from social media too). YES, you need to believe you are worthy and capable of everything you want. YES, you need to visualize with crystal clarity what it will feel like to achieve your biggest goals. And YES, you need to work your very hardest to make all of that happen. I was recently talking to my friend TJ Dillashaw about this exact thing. |