This era comes with a lot of perks. Cars, medicine, refrigerators filled with snacks that will last for days—it’s hard to argue that these are anything but benefits of our time. But that doesn’t mean that everything that’s come with modernity as a philosophy is a gift. On a new episode of The Russell Moore Show, Moore hosts his friend, author and professor Karen Swallow Prior, for a conversation that highlights some of the downsides. Specifically, they discuss the ways that modernity encourages a way of thinking that too often forgets about the imagination, aesthetic experience, and the body. But, Prior says, “it’s never too late” to shape and grow our imaginations. And as we do so, we have the opportunity to cultivate the imaginations of the people around us as well, including our children. Moore and Prior share several ideas, reading fiction and poetry among them, for doing just that. May their conversation help us grow in gratitude for all that is available to us: the conveniences of modernity and the beauty of imagination alike. |