Near-universal deception is what got us on global lockdown. It's time to talk truthfully about what's happening.
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The GreenMedInfo Newsletter

April 8, 2020



We’re all in the midst of an epochal, civilization-level shift that is challenging us individually and collectively to our cores. This is making it exceedingly difficult to focus on the positive. But I'm going to try -- after speaking candidly about what I think is going on.


I’m someone, as you probably know, who has a platform -- GreenMedInfo -- which has both been promoting the science of natural healing, as well as shedding light on the dark side of pharmaceuticals and the industry driving them, for the past decade.


Over the years, we’ve had an incredible amount of support, as well as push back, including attempts to de-platform us in March of 2019. At the time, it was our work on health rights advocacies and on pointing out the lack of safety and effectiveness research on increasingly coerced or mandated vaccination, that resulted in us being banned from social media sites like Pinterest, shut down through our email platform Mailchimp (a CDC partner), and then delisted from Google.


Back then, it would have been far easier to label us “conspiracy theorists” simply for pointing out the open-source data showing there was a global agenda to mandate vaccination. And now, sadly, we are all seeing this agenda unfold in front of our eyes, everywhere -- with Bill Gates himself announcing that we should prepare to stay on perpetual lockdown until one of the seven vaccine companies he is investing billions into has a vaccine ready to “save us." Gates also suggests that we would need a digital certificate to prove we are "immune" post-vaccination, lest we prevented from returning to work or traveling.


What’s most disturbing to me is not that this sort of thing is happening, rather, that so few seem to be resisting the mainstream narrative being fire-hosed 24/7. Billions of humans “sheltering in place” over a virus that was never properly identified, is not being accurately tested, nor is required by the US government or WHO to be virus tested, but only “suspected” to have been the cause of death to be officially recorded on death certificates, which fan the media flames of the already hysterical fatality statistics.


As this highly dubious and synthetic body count piles up (remember: "there are liars, damn liars, and then there are statisticians"), and powerful financial and global governance institutions the world over capitalize on this narrative, our former lives, and freedoms, fade further and further away into the past.


In the interest of breaking free from the disabling complacency all around us, I think it's time we all speak truthfully about the reality: this is not a classical pandemic, but a "plan-demic," i.e. this event was premeditated and serves agendas far beyond simply protecting the public health. While the truth (documented in better detail below) can be disturbing, at this point, we have nothing more to lose (we are on global house arrest). And as I said in my last personal note, I think you are more than strong enough to handle it (many of you have known this already anyway), and the truth will set us all free, in a situation where near-universal deception is the reason why we are presently in global lockdown.


Whether a biological weapon, or naturally occurring virus, or not a virus at all (but an epidemic of false testing), this crisis is being us as an opportunity to accelerate a number of agendas which stand in direct opposition to your sovereignty, well-being, ability to make a living, and your basic human and civil rights, and have been, in some cases, decades in the making. 


If you want to catch up with the actual subtext of what the media and government agencies are spinning, watch these two videos (there are dozens more out there):


1) Medical Martial Law 2020 [1:09 hours] by James Corbett

2) Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance [42 mins] by Spiro Skouras


I encourage you to do your own research, as always. Google the following things, especially if you have any significant doubt that there is more to the story than just a “deadly virus" running amok:


1) Event 201

2) Rockefeller’s Lockstep from 2010

3) Coronavirus vaccine patent US10130701B2

4) CDC Quarantine Program Job ID HHS-CDC-D3-20-10640010


I'm confident that, knowing this, you will start to connect the dots, of which there are hundreds more. 


The question, of course, is what can we do about this? What if the threat is manufactured (or at least profoundly inflated beyond what even Fauci recently wrote in his NEJM editorial is similar to the seasonal flu)? Clearly, if leaving one’s home without permission is now a crime, and because a national emergency has been declared, you have no right to due process, it is a risky thing to act as if this is NOT as dangerous as everyone around you may be saying.


Many are afraid they’ll be reported by neighbors for violating the orders. There are also the newly granted powers many governments around the world have given themselves to use cell phone data to track our movements and contacts via the GPS function (which still functions when your phone is on airplane mode or powered down).


I don’t have all the answers right now. But I’m in the same boat as you; we're all in this together. What I am doing, is collecting your survey feedback via our partners at Stand For Health Freedom, to work on a campaign to raise awareness and create a digitally scalable action, intended to stand up for your basic rights, which, I believe, should include your right to conduct your business and make a living without the threat of imprisonment while others have the right to continue to self-quarantine (as long as it is not mandated for everyone under the false promise that this is an effective health policy applied through the Constitutionally protected least restrictive means possible).


Finally, if you want to take positive action, I invite you to join me in my upcoming reading and discussion club for REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience through the New Biology. This book was literally written for this time, as it shows you how to both know and access the incredible resilience deep within your body, heart, and mind, and helps you resist patently false ideologies based on outdated medical beliefs and concepts that are presently being weaponized against us. If you are interested, get a hold of or keep reading the book, and you’ll get an email in a week or so, inviting you to participate, which will include a livestream component with Q and A’s.


Sending you my best regards!


Sayer Ji

Featured Article

In a stunning disregard for medical and scientific integrity, the WHO posted its new guidelines for determining official deaths from COVID-19 which do not require cases be positively confirmed through virus testing, but only that it is suspected to be a cause of death.

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