Lockdown Ending - 21 October 2021 |
Mandatory Workplace Vaccinations Webinar | Know your Rights! Free Webinar Thursday 28 October 12-1pm The Victorian State Government has mandated workers on the Authorised Worker list to be fully vaccinated by 26 November 2021 in order to work onsite.
This is your opportunity to hear experts from the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry explain the legal requirements of mandatory vaccinations and their implications for businesses. The session will cover: What mandatory vaccination is What the current mandatory vaccination orders are How to implement a direction under these orders in the workplaceCircumstances when this direction is lawful and reasonable in the context of a dismissal of an employeeIf you are attending this webinar and have a specific question about the mandatory vaccinations in your workplace please email us prior to the day at ecodev@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Register now! How to get your COVID-19 digital certificate - Click here Information for industry and workers required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 - Click here Information about COVID-19 vaccine rollout and safety in languages other than English - Click here |
Meet the COVID Business Support Officers |
Khoa Phan, one of three friendly COVID Business Support Officers engaged by Council, will be visiting businesses in the St Albans Town Centre until December. Other COVID Business Support Officers will be visiting the Sunshine Town Centre and a Local Activity Centre near you over the same period. Khoa and his fellow COVID Business Support Officers can help you stay open, COVIDSafe and avoid State Government COVID non-compliance fines. | |
The COVID Business Support Officers also have a range of information on free business support to help you get through this difficult trading period and beyond. For assistance with your COVIDSafe plan or to connect to free expert business advice, email ecodev@brimbank.vic.gov.au. |
Sidewalk Cafe/Outdoor Dining | Footpath Trading If your business is considering setting up outdoor dining on the footpath, then apply for a sidewalk cafe permit here. Due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic, Council has reduced the annual fees associated with these permits by 50% for this financial year (2021/22). For more information contact City Compliance on 9249 4000. |
Top ways nbn can help turbo charge your business | Free Webinar Thursday 11 November 8-9am COVID has seen many small businesses undergone a digital revolution at a pace no one was expecting. Virtual meetings and conferences, online trading and schooling means a fast, reliable internet connection can be the difference between meeting a deadline, making a sale and ensuring a good customer experience. This free event will help you cope with the digital demands of now and prepare you for the the next digital revolution by helping help you identify and understand your connectivity needs and options to better manage your business operations. Register here!
Local Jobs For Local People Program | Brimbank has launched the Local Jobs for Local People program, to increase employment of local jobseekers by Brimbank businesses. This program provides a structure and plan for Council to support local job outcomes. Council will be consulting with with local businesses to understand their employment requirements, and working with education, training providers and employment agencies, to develop and improve local employment pathways. To find out more contact Meyvan Hettige, Senior Economic Development Officer, at meyvanh@brimbank.vic.gov.au
Got News to Share? Brimbank News Online | Brimbank News Online is a Council initiative to provide a free online platform for sharing news about the local community. Local groups, individuals and organisations connected to Brimbank are welcome to submit information for consideration. Brimbank News Online are looking to publish: Items relevant to Brimbank from local organisations and individuals. Items relevant to Brimbank from businesses about expansion, major changes, awards, community activities etc. News from schools, clubs and community groups Community service announcementsPhotos of breaking news, community events or positive images of the city, such as the #brimbank and #wearebrimbank pictures on Instagram. To submit a story for consideration, click here. |
Free Infection Control Training |
Customer-facing workers can access free, short, nationally-accredited infection control training through VU Polytechnic, to help identify and manage the risk of COVID infections. The free training is for workers engaged in direct customer interactions across retail, hospitality and transport and logistics sectors. For further information click here. |
Brimbank.Localised Virtual Meetup |
Join us on Friday 5 November, 9.30-10.30am
During lockdown, meeting face to face is not possible. However it's never been more important to reach out and connect with people. Brimbank.Localised Free Meetups are a great way to connect with other local businesses and introduce yourself; you can share what you do and what your business is all about - and all from the comfort of your home or workplace.
Bring your team, invite your business colleagues and practice your lightning pitch. We look forward to seeing you there! Register Now!
Brimbank Local Business Survey | Brimbankâs Economic Development Unit seek your views on how the COVID pandemic is impacting Brimbank businesses. The survey results will inform the development of COVID support and other advocacy; Councilâs business development and support programs; the preparation and implementation of economic development strategies and programs; as well as promotional initiatives. The individual answers you provide remain confidential. Click here to complete the Survey
Free Business Skill Builders | Learn new skills to build your business:
October 20th - Strategies to Advance your Online Business- Register here 25th - Introduction to Business Records - Register here 28th - Creating Great Content for Social Media - Register here November 3rd - Using MailChimp for Online Marketing - Register here 8th - Practical 8 Step Digital Marketing Plan - Register here 24th - Tender Processes and Business Plan Guidance - Register here
Develop your business skills and strengthen your business - for further information click here Small Business Victoria A series of free interactive webinars to improve business success - for further information click here
Digital Solutions â Australian Small Business Advisory Services - Make the most of digital tools and get advice specific to your business needs. For further information click here
ATO: Support for Small Business Webinar A series of free interactive online webinars where you can ask experienced tax specialists questions - register here |
Financial Support for Business |
COVID Business Requirements and Links | Make sure youâre adhering to the current COVID restrictions All businesses must have an active, up-to-date COVIDSafe Plan.Every customer-facing business must use the free Victorian Government QR Code Service â¯to check in customers, workers and all other visitors. Download and display signage to remind people of the need to check in, and other safety measures.Visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au for more information or call Business Victoria on 13 22 15. If you need an interpreter, call the coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 and press 0. Other COVID Links Current Restrictions for Melbourne, click hereBook your free vaccine appointment, click here Case location and outbreaks, click hereWhere to get tested, click hereFinancial Support for Businesses, click hereTranslated information about COVID-19, click here Victorian Government QR Code Service, click hereTranslated information on how to use QR codes here In-language updates can be found hereHealth and Wellbeing, click here Coronavirus.gov.au, click hereBusiness Victoria, click hereDepartment of Health and Human Services, click here |
Brimbank Business Link Facebook  | Follow us on Facebook for the latest Brimbank Business News.
Copyright © Brimbank City Council, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: PO Box 70, Sunshine 3020 For further information about this newsletter please contact the Economic Development Unit on 9249 4000 or email ecodev@brimbank.vic.gov.au |