BY DOUG GRAHAM | Staff writer Across Louisiana, hospitals are refusing to hire certified nurse midwives, despite their extensive credentials. Others will not give them admitting privileges. Louisiana also pays nurse midwives less through Medicaid than many other states. The scarcity of nurse midwives is one reason Louisiana has one of the worst infant mortality rates in the developed world, and why mothers often fare no better. Infants here are 65% more likely to die from being born too early or too small compared to babies in the rest of the country, according to a Times-Picayune | The Advocate analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Saints quarterback Derek Carr says he had interest in playing for LSU and even visited a camp at the school and met head coach Les Miles when Carr was a high school junior in 2007. An offer from LSU never came, but Carr said he would have deeply considered it. Read our full exclusive one-on-one interview with the New Orleans QB here. The family-friendly Renaissance Festival will offer a variety of activities, food and wine tastings, and performances. Everything you learned about the medieval times during your high school history class will come to life, with competitive sword fights, archery, and so much more. The celebration kicks off on Nov. 4 and runs every weekend — rain or shine — until Dec. 10 at 46468 River Road in Hammond. |