🎉On March 1st, we took occupancy of our new space at 877A Boyd Ave!🎉
We walked around the open space, threw a few dance moves down and dreamed of all you wonderful people coming in to borrow our tools and work on amazing projects in our WorkSpace, and of hosting events again. Needless to say, we'revery excited to get going on transforming this raw gem into our new home. 😍
We're starting this week to clean up, finish the layout of our space, and start building. There are lots of ways you can help us open up again soon. Check out the ways you can get involved:
Make a monetary donationon our website.If you donate more than $250, we’ll add your name to our expanded Founders Wall in the new space and you get invited to a pre-launch visit of the new space. Fit ups are very expensive and there is always more that needs to get done than you anticipate. Every donation is appreciated and will be put towards the set up of our new space.
Buy, renew,or gift a membership!New and gift memberships only start with your first visit to OTL. So, if you buy one now, you're not losing any time on your membership duration!
Do you have extra building materials? We need lots of 2'x'4'10', 4'x8'1/2" OSB or plywood, or 250 square feet of pine boards, or a store credit or gift card? Send us an email with what you have. We would need to know about material donations by mid next week.
Help move our stuff! Once we’ve prepared the space, we’ll also need to moveourselves in.If you’d like to help, you cansign up here. Thanks to those who have already volunteered to help, including our friends at Darling Solutions with the use of a 5-ton truck.
Library Operations Coordinator
We’re seeking an awesome human being for our Library Operations Coordinator position, so we can open 5 days a week! The position is full time (30h per week) and begins April 1st. Application deadline is March 10th, 2021.