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The Scottish Government - Marine and Fisheries
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Monday, December 4, 2017

Marine & Fisheries

Other Issues

Fisheries talks conclude

Scotland has secured a number of its negotiation objectives as fisheries talks between the EU and Norway concluded earlier this month.

Demersal mix
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Arctic Strategy for Scotland

A new Arctic Strategy will be developed by the Scottish Government, External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop has confirmed at the closing session of the Arctic Circle Forum.

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Brexit talks

The Scottish Government has reiterated the importance of the devolved administrations being fully involved in the Brexit negotiations, during a meeting with the First Secretary of State and Scottish Secretary. 

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Decommissioning fund awards

The first awards from the Decommissioning Challenge Fund has seen seven projects across Scotland offered a share of £1.1 million.

Oil rig
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Grow the economy by protecting natural capital

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon addressed the third World Forum on Natural Capital in a speech in Edinburgh in November to reinforce Scotland's commitment to protecting its resources.

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Phone numbers in Marine Scotland have changed

All phone numbers for Marine Scotland staff based in Aberdeen, Pitlochry and Montrose have changed to new numbers starting 0131 244 xxxx. If you are trying to contact someone in those offices, please contact the Reception for the respective building using the phone numbers listed on our website.

In addition, most of our fishery offices now have new 0300 numbers and the Peterhead office has moved. Details of your local office and their details are available in the Compliance section.

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Merry Christmas!

Everyone at Marine Scotland would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas when it comes.

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