Hello John,
Every day we receive astounding letters from people who watch, listen to or read content from EWTN. You would be amazed at how God is changing lives through something as simple as a television episode or a news article. From prevented suicides to people coming back to the faith, to those who find answers to life’s hardest questions—people are having their spiritual needs met through EWTN!
I want to share one of these stories with you. It’s from a woman who was struggling and in need of hope and direction:
I wanted to reach out and just say thank you to EWTN. I’m a typical 26 year old, and I was raised Catholic, but like so many people my age, I strayed from my faith. I still believed in God but felt uneasy about religion.
I usually check out Bravo or E! before I go to bed, but for some reason, I turned to EWTN the other night, and Women of Grace was on, so I watched it. The next day, I was working from home, flipping through the channels, and Women of Grace was on again, so I kept watching.
I’ve been struggling with the breakup of a long-term relationship and the total heartbreak that’s been weighing on me. I’ve been praying to God to help me through it. On the episode, the young woman spoke about her engagement being called off, that she felt the same way I did, but she put her trust in the Lord and found that He had a better plan for her.
I really feel like this was God answering my prayers, and His way of letting me know that everything is going to be okay. I want to thank the young woman and EWTN for changing my life. I know now that my tuning into EWTN was no accident.
Each and every day, EWTN is meeting the spiritual needs of thousands of individuals who need to hear a message of hope, encouragement, or healing.
John, would you help us to reach more people like this young woman so that they can continue to grow in their faith and find connection with the Lord—by making a year-end donation to EWTN?
Your gift will not only help us to reach our December 31st online goal, but will bring the Eternal Word into the lives of more people who need to hear about the love of God.
Please donate today using this link:
Any amount you give will be put to work immediately, resulting in more inspiring stories like this one. Thank you, John for your gift.
Sincerely in Christ,
Michael P Warsaw Chairman of the Board
EWTN 5817 Old Leeds Rd Irondale AL 35210 Update your email preferences to choose the types of emails you receive.
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