Earlier this month, the House of Representatives took a stand against ICC overreach by passing the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act (ICCA) after the foreign tribunal charged Israeli officials with crimes against humanity. The same court maintains an ongoing investigation into supposed war crimes in Afghanistan, putting nearly 5.5 million American veterans who served there at risk of one day facing arrest. Neither the U.S. nor Israel are signatories of the Rome Statute that governs ICC jurisdiction. Passing a Senate companion to the House ICCA is essential for protecting the sovereignty of the U.S. and its allies. The ICC’s politically-motivated judges would face visa restrictions and asset freezes under the Senate’s bill, which is expected to be introduced soon. As an MEF Advocate, we need your help now to push this bill through the Senate. Sign Up to Send Letters: Your voice can make a significant difference. By clicking the “Take Action” button and signing up, you'll help urge your senators to introduce and pass a companion bill to the ICCA, sanctioning ICC officials for their unwarranted actions against America's allies. |