Medical News Today

Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, bringing you the most recent headlines and updated stories from our team of expert writers.

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Biology / Biochemistry
What to know about terpenes
Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants, though they are perhaps best known for their high concentration in the cannabis plant. Learn more here.

Flu / Cold / SARS
Are children actually 'as likely' to get COVID-19 as adults?
New but formally unpublished research suggests that children may be just as likely as adults to become infected with the novel coronavirus.

Fragile X syndrome: What to know
Fragile X syndrome, or Martin-Bell syndrome, is an inherited genetic disorder that can cause intellectual and developmental disabilities. Read more here.

Neurology / Neuroscience
How infants benefit from a bilingual home
Infants from bilingual homes develop an enhanced ability to process new information even before they learn a language, finds a new study.

Nutrition / Diet
Iceberg lettuce: How healthy is it?
Iceberg lettuce is low in vitamins and minerals, but it has high water content and is low in calories. Learn about the nutritional profile of iceberg lettuce.

Pregnancy / Obstetrics
How does it feel when a baby moves during pregnancy?
Many pregnant women and their partners wonder what it feels like when a baby moves in the womb. We look at what is normal and causes for concern.

Public Health
Coronavirus myths explored
As the coronavirus epidemic continues, a host of misconceptions and half-truths surround it. In this feature, we dispel 24 of these myths.
Preparing for COVID-19: Priorities for the US
Three experts have outlined key priorities and actions for the United States government and healthcare institutions as they prepare to tackle the virus.