A Maine program that provides wild game meat to food pantries has been around since 1996, but less than half the processors registered with the state take part in the program.
If you thought broadheads were just sharp points at the end of a stick, then hang on. BDN Outdoors contributor Chris Sargent writes about getting lost in a sea of broadhead companies, styles, designs and sales pitches.
After months of salads, grilling and other summer treats, it can be satisfying to heat up the kitchen on a cool fall day and cook and bake classic Maine comfort food.
These mites are almost too small to see, but they can harm your grain stores. They can eat the nutritional parts of the grain that your livestock need and sometimes spread disease-carrying fungi.
What started as a hobby of collecting the nests, eventually became a side business to remove hornets for people. And Tice Jacques does that without using any pesticides. Autumn is great hiking weather if you’re prepared. Here are a few tips to make your hikes a little more comfortable and safer.