Good morning! Colder today, with periods of showers and thunderstorms in central and southern Minnesota. Highs in the 60s. | Forecast | |
Ruth Berg, 47, worked as a receptionist. John Carlson, 82, was a custodian. | Photos: Minnehaha Academy joins in prayer after blast |
Republican Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware are putting forth new legislation that aims to ensure the integrity of current and future independent investigations. |
A record-setting "dead zone," where water doesn't have enough oxygen for fish to survive, has appeared this summer. One major cause is pollution from farms. | Environment |
Wells Fargo is facing another scandal. This time, the bank acknowledges it signed up nearly 500,000 auto-loan customers for insurance they didn't need. Thousands lost their cars to repossession. |
Americans currently in North Korea were told to depart by the end of August. Journalists and aid workers may apply for exemptions from the ban. |
The 60-foot-tall installation is artist Eric Rieger's largest so far, a milestone in a career that started with graffiti and has led to what some call "yarn-bombing." | Photos: Mall of America hit with the biggest yarn bomb ever |
Three Fringe fans tell us about the shows they're most anticipating at the 24th annual Minnesota Fringe Festival. | Arts & Culture |