Good afternoon! A new poll from Pew Research shows the assault on the idea of higher education has finally connected with Republicans, who viewed it favorably just two years ago. But now? Fifty-eight percent of Republicans surveyed say colleges and universities "are having a negative effect on the way things are going in the country." | NewsCut | Forecast |
Every year New York Times columnist and NPR commentator David Brooks gives an hour-long lecture, and he titled this one, "The Second Mountain: The Next Big Challenge in Your Life." | Why millennials work the way they do |
A man who had his 7-year-old in the car is dead following an alleged carjacking and confrontation with police in east-central Minnesota. |
A new survey shows that Medicaid beneficiaries are happy with their care and don't have trouble finding a doctor. |
Tabs expiring? Need to update your license? Do it now. Minnesota's Department of Public Safety and its Driver and Vehicle Services offices are upgrading their computer systems, which means some services won't be available later this month. |
Grade retention has mixed results for school performance, a large study of students in Florida shows. |
NASA's Juno spacecraft will fly directly over the Great Red Spot, a swirling storm on Jupiter, on Monday. Scientists are hoping to gain a better understanding of the storm and why it persists. |
Journeys -- near and far, into the past and even into near space -- are the subject of the novels, memoirs and narrative histories that make up this summer reading list. | The Thread |
Some health plans are beginning to offer free maintenance care for people with chronic health problems. The hope is spending a little more on keeping them early on will save a lot money in the long run. |