Mpumi Mophatlane, better known as Mrs Mops, is no stranger to reality TV after letting viewers in on her life in the second season of Real Housewives of Johannesburg. However, this time around, starring in a Showmax original, Mommy Club, Mrs Mops says viewers can look forward to seeing "more depth and more layers" as she lets the cameras in on her life and household again. Announced last week, the Showmax reality series sees five glamorous Jozi momfluencers navigating the challenges of parenting and the cutthroat world of being an 'it mom'. It premieres on 27 June, with new episodes every Tuesday for eight weeks. Starring alongside Mrs Mops are author and motivational speaker Happy 'Hermajesty' Simelane, businesswoman and influencer Tshego 'Ms Manche' Manche, event planner and florist to the stars Nunurai, and beauty pageant owner Ratile Mabitsela. The first episode of Mommy Club kicks off with a first birthday party, with a R250 000 price tag, where some cast members meet each other for the first time. News24 caught up with the mother of three to learn more about what viewers can expect from her in Mommy Club, the lessons she has learned from reality TV, the pressures of being an 'it mom' and more. Click 'read more' for the full interview. |