FOR-A HVS-100 Portable Video Switcher
The HVS-100 Portable Video Switchers new software offers 20 Multiviewer layouts instead of eight and provides audio with its graphics wipes. This switcher accepts HVS-100TB2 Thunderbolt 2 I/O expansion cards, which allow users to transfer video content with a single cable, interface with CGs and virtual studios. The HVS-100s built-in Web Server allows one to change settings from a PC or tablet. And, all Aux bus outputs can mix transition with Keys. Website:
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FOR-A HVS 2000 Production Switcher
The HVS-2000 now has the capabilities of a 7 M/E system making it ideal for production environments including 4K-2SI or SQD, and 3G or HD. MELite allows AUX buses to transform into a functional Mix Effects with cuts, mixes, wipes, keys and DVE including full preview. FLEXaKEY allows operators to add, move and multiply key and DVE layers to M/E or MELite resources. Up to 48 inputs/22 outputs and up to four independent multiviewers and multiple control panel operation. Website:
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