Did you hear? We launched a new leadership course, Crucial Influence.
| Hi John, Last week we launched a new version of our course for leaders, Crucial Influence®. If you’d like to learn more about this leadership course, visit the course page to find all the details. You can also register for our upcoming webinar about Crucial Influence at the link below.
| | My Boss Wants Me to “Act First,” But That’s Not My Personality | by Scott Robley
| I love the Crucial Influence Model, and I’ve been able to apply it to overcome hurdles and help others I mentor. However, I struggle to apply the framework when it comes to personality types. I have received feedback from my managers that I need to be more action-oriented, but numerous personality tests tell me I am more of a “think first” person rather than an “act first” person. Here is my question: Does personality relate to ability or motivation? If my personality is more “think first” and my boss is asking me to be more “act first,” how do I change my behavior while still being true to who I am? Signed, Just Who I Am
| | Many organizations have begun leveraging personality tests to get to know their employees and build thriving relationships in the workplace. Personality tests provide insight into communication styles, strengths, and areas for potential growth. Organizations use them to improve collaboration, understand team dynamics, strengthen individual and team performance, and even to reduce turnover. There are, however, some potential cautions. Some personality tests may be simplistic, lead to biases, and limit employees’ beliefs about themselves.
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| Leading Change: 4 Lessons Learned from the New Crucial Influence Course | Join Crucial Influence course creator Justin Hale and Master Trainer Emily Gregory in this free webinar and discover what they’ve learned about leadership after 15 years of teaching and working with leaders. | | |
| | Oct 17–19 | Crucial Influence | Join us live online and learn how to:
Identify what’s contributing to the challenges you face. Get clear on the vital behaviors that will generate results you seek. Motivate and enable others to do vital behaviors with six sources of influence. Transform team culture and secure results. | | |
| | | Changing behavior is hard not because you are weak, but because you are blind to and outnumbered by the many sources of influence that are shaping your choices. | | | |
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