Dear Reader, I hope you've seen this by now... But if not, I wanted to pass along the most important takeaways from my boss Steve Sjuggerud's big event last Thursday. Steve revealed a brand-new prediction that could begin to shake the markets as soon as this week. So his announcement couldn't have come at a better time. You can still see a complete recording of the event for a few more days. And I highly recommend you watch it for yourself. It's packed with research, indicators, and financial data that you likely won't see anywhere else. But to save you time, I went through and highlighted the parts that I think you need to know: You have to start at the beginning and watch until 4:45. This summarizes the wild market activity we've seen over the past few weeks – plus, you'll meet a new face.7:07 – Steve jumps right in and tackles the #1 fear on everyone's mind: "When is the Melt Down coming?" If nothing else, tune in to hear his answer to this one question. Because the answer will probably shock you.11:40 – Steve unveils his brand-new market prediction. This is the entire reason he had our team drop everything to bring you this broadcast. It's something he's never covered in any prior research or event. If you have any money in stocks right now, you have to see this.17:00 – The name of the unusual market phenomenon that's about to hit the U.S. stock market. (HINT: No, it's not the Melt Up... OR the Melt Down.)21:30 – A shocking IPO statistic that I haven't seen anywhere in the mainstream financial media... but could directly impact your wealth before the year is over.24:15 – The ONE chart that proves without a shadow of a doubt where stocks are headed for the next 6 months.37:00 – Steve is joined by his first surprise special guest, to reveal the one sector that he believes will go up the most as Steve's new prediction plays out.49:15 – A critical lesson from 2017 that shows us how to make potential 10x gains across multiple investments. (And meet Steve's second surprise guest.)Plus you'll also hear: A sneak peek at the NEW Melt Up happening outside of the stock market... in our own backyard.The $3,000 BONUS he wants to give you. It's an unbelievable gesture to ensure your wealth is protected from the Melt Down.TWO free recommendations – each with 800% to 1,000% upside potential.(Don't delay here – these recommendations are so tiny that we likely can't continue to share them with a wide audience for much longer.) Click here to go straight to the event. Good investing, Brett Eversole P.S. At 36:00, Steve reveals a way for you to get 13 brand-new recommendations designed to help you see extraordinary potential profits in the coming months (PLUS over $12,000 in other bonus content). |