Identical light particles (photons) are important for many technologies that are based on quantum physics. A team of researchers has now produced identical photons with different quantum dots - an important step towards applications such as tap-proof communications and the quantum internet.
Researchers demonstrated attosecond-pump attosecond-probe spectroscopy to study non-linear multi-photon ionization of atoms. The obtained results provide insights into one of the most fundamental processes in non-linear optics.
Ionofibres achieve higher flexibility, durability and match the type of conduction our body uses. In the future they may be used for such items as textile batteries, textile displays and textile muscles.
New research solved a longstanding mystery surrounding strontium titanate, an unusual metal oxide that can be an insulator, a semiconductor, or a metal. The research provides insight for future applications of this material to electronic devices and data storage.
Researchers have fabricated three-dimensional vertically formed field-effect transistors to produce high-density data storage devices by ferroelectric gate insulator and atomic-layer-deposited oxide semiconductor channel.