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The Rum Rebellion

Now even the investment newsletter industry has fallen for the go-go, buy-the-dip, prices-only-go-up bubble credo.

Like other parts of the financial industry, it tells customers what they want to hear. But at least it is independent of Wall Street…with no incentive to sell customers overpriced securities.

Dan Denning

Dan Denning

My name is Dan Denning.

As a newsletter man myself, it pains me to read the comment above.

Especially as it comes from the Godfather of Financial Newsletters, Bill Bonner.

Bill is a friend, a mentor and a co-editor of our own…ahem…newsletter, The Bonner-Denning Letter.

Bill sent me to Australia back in 2005 to start its first major contrarian financial newsletter publisher: Fat Tail Investment Research.

Back then we were called Port Phillip Publishing. It was just a few of us — writing from an old hat factory off Brighton Road.

Our entire readership could literally fit into a single room. And they did. In the first years we invited them all to an annual event called the Doomer’s Ball. We held the first one in a room above a wine bar called Café Presse. There were less than two dozen readers — each a bit taken aback to find there were others who thought the same way. Bill flew down from wherever in the world he was to be guest speaker.

Those were the days.

Today — for better or worse — if we wanted to hold a face-to-face event with all our readers, we’d have to hire the MCG.

Since I handed over reigns as Publisher, Fat Tail Investment Research has grown from one mischievous, contrarian and free e-letter…into a mainstream-adjacent (at least in terms of size) financial media player.

Are we still true to our roots, though?

Subscriber Diana seems to think so:

This type of rational thinking appears to be in shorter and shorter supply…and I would be much more concerned about my financial future without the regular input of these guys.

Here’s a tricky question, however…

Is the company I started 15 years ago also falling for the ‘go-go, buy-the-dip, prices-only-go-up bubble credo’ Bill laments?

Are we getting as bad as the very agenda-compromised bunch we strive to hold to account?

Jeez. I certainly hope not.

You now live in an age of two simultaneous repressions.

Financial repression. When governments rig markets to keep official interest rates below the rate of inflation…asset prices soar far higher than logic says they should…and savers and anyone on a fixed income gets hammered.

And societal repression. Where governments openly treat their citizens like inmates…lickspittles in media and academia back them up…health officials shut down the economy and confine you to quarters indefinitely with one press conference…and normal law and liberties are on permanent hiatus…

The world needs independent, questioning, brave, even insolent voices to speak up right now

I assume that’s what got you to the webpage you’re reading now.

But to hear Bill Bonner admit the global newsletter industry is also compromised…well, that’s hard to take. After all, his company’s own newsletters now reach four million people around the globe.

It’s like the Pope announcing he’s not so sure about the whole ‘objective existence of God’ thing.

But Bill is doing what he does best: talking honestly.

And what he’s talking about is a pernicious ‘capturing’ of the whole world by bad ideas and fake money.

As the saying goes, a country gets the leaders it deserves. Perhaps — in this strangest of times — investors get the financial newsletters they deserve, too?

So…where do you turn for wise counsel?

I’ve been away from Australia and my Australian friends and readers for some time now. But, today…

I return with a powerful idea from the ‘light side’…

It’s an idea I believe could benefit you greatly in these dark times. If you understand it, and apply it in the right way.

I learned this ‘elegant idea’ directly from Bill Bonner himself.

I’m certain that no matter what sources you’re getting your insights from — mainstream or independent — you won’t have heard this idea. (At least, not the way Bill reveals it.)

It’s not a stock or crypto tip. It’s not a trade. Or even Bill’s famous ‘Trade of the Decade’ (although we’ll share that with you, too). It’s not ‘the next big thing’. It’s not even a specific prediction, as such.

If I’m right, and Bill is right, what you’re about to read is far more valuable than any of those things.

We now have the artificial and deliberate creation of two things…

A permanent bull market.

And a permanent emergency.

Both of the above are designed to never end.

But there is an endgame in some form or other waiting for us.

Few people have done much careful thinking about it.

Until now.

Let me explain…

Being a newsletter man has its perks…

One of them is that, over the past 23 years, I’ve been fortunate to work alongside some brilliant (if rather eccentric) people…

And they all had one thing in common: a unique way of seeing the world — which made them hugely successful.

I’ve worked with:

Rick Rule, the self-made billionaire resource investor.

Lord William Rees-Mogg, head of the BBC and a member of the House of Lords.

Doug Casey, the famous ‘International Man’ and author of several financial bestsellers.

I’ve had the pleasure of publishing many of Fat Tail Investment Research’s best analysts and traders, including Greg Canavan, Jim Rickards, Vern Gowdie, Harry Dent and Murray Dawes.

And I’ve worked closely with financial wizards like Jim Grant, Marc Faber, James Dale Davidson, Steve Sjuggerud, Jeff Clark, Dan Ferris, Chris Mayer, Alex Green…and so many others…

Once, I even met Alan Greenspan at a private briefing.

But I declined to take a picture with him on principle. (He’s a very nice man, but the group he led did incalculable damage to the global economy.)

But it’s not the people I met that changed my life the most.

In fact, if you asked me to name the number one thing that’s helped me live a life beyond my wildest dreams…

I would tell you it’s a simple idea I learned from Bill Bonner.

Bill didn’t set out to become a rich man.

And to this day, he doesn’t own a private jet…or a fancy sports car.

Instead, he still drives a 10-year-old Ford F-150 pick-up. More often than not, he’s happy to ride an old pack horse around.

Fat Tail Investment Research

And he’d rather put a new roof on his house, with his own hands — or scrape and paint shutters — than schmooze with the world’s richest and most connected investors…

Yet, somehow, he’s more successful and wealthier than most people I’ve ever met.

And the key to his success is something very few people are willing or able to do:

Connecting the dots about what’s really happening behind the scenes in the world of finance, politics and investing.

That’s how Bill and his team of researchers, writers and analysts correctly predicted every major geopolitical event since the 1980s, like:

  • The collapse of the Soviet Empire…that one of his group predicted in 1987 — two years before the fall of the Berlin Wall…
  • The collapse of the Japanese stock market in 1989…Bill was actually mocked for this prediction. But Japanese stocks have STILL not recovered.
  • The rise of radical Islam in 1993…eight years before the planes hit the twin towers…
  • The dotcom crash…Bill warned about it for years before it happened, including an alarm on the exact day the Nasdaq began its 78% decline…
  • And US’s housing bust of 2008

Being able to see big events like these coming — in advance of the mainstream — gives you choices.

So, what choices do you have now?

Well, you have a binary outcome in a world of financial repression. You can go full ‘risk-on’ and join the crowd…buying the most aggressive growth stocks and momentum plays. As long as rates stay low and stocks keep going up, you’ll learn to love it.

Or you can forego the possible gains in momentum plays…and try not to lose your money in the inevitable crash.

Whatever you choose, the most important thing is that it’s a fully informed decision.

And that’s where Bill Bonner’s ‘elegant idea’ comes in…

Never before have we seen such an assault on common sense…capitalism…and the very principles of civilisation itself.

And nowhere is this more evident than in my ‘second home’ on the other side of the world…

There’s a reason this proud American decided to become a proud Australian citizen, too

I fell in love with Australia very soon into my 10-year stint as a publisher there.

The people are the best in the world. And the beer is always cold.

But the main reason I decided to become a citizen is it’s a country based on egalitarian principles I cherish:

The protection of private property, economic freedom, free trade, limited role of government, free speech, a free press, religious freedom…and the primacy of the individual to act in their own best interests and take personal responsibility for their actions.

Today, though…like in several other places in the Western world…those principles are threatened like never before.

Australia’s current political leaders, at the state and national levels, have complete contempt for individual liberty and the Rule of Law.

They’ve behaved shamefully, ignorantly, or with wilful destruction of the kind of private rights and liberties that characterise a free society.

And it’s only getting worse…

Clearly, Australia is not alone here.

This is a worldwide problem — Australia’s just the most acute current example.

No one ever said navigating a global pandemic was going to be easy.

But to be worse off, closing in on two years into it, with the only solution being the failed route of MORE lockdowns and less liberty…?

Well, that’s not ideal.

So, what do YOU do in the face of all this?

What choices should you make when there is an ‘everything bubble’ in almost every asset market?

And when you’re living in a world where lockdowns are here to stay, travel is restricted, vaccine passports are compulsory and freedoms are stamped underfoot?


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