Yesterday was our 47th wedding anniversary, and we treated ourselves to a post-lockdown Church Crawl round many of the Abberydore Deanery churches that we haven't yet visited. First up was the little chapel-sized church at Cusop, above Hay-on-Wye, which was begun by the Normans but well restored in the 19th century. Like all the churches in the deaney that we visited it was open, and clearly showing signs of life and adventure: a good sign in this very rural part of Hereford Diocese. CPAS are the patrons and the evangelical heritage shows here, not least in the memorial to William Seward, friend of the Wesleys, who sadly died soon after a hostile reception in Hay. His memory lives on here though.

On the way out we wondered at a beautifully conceived and executed tombstone that was inscribed "I am the Gate" and hada cut out through which the lychgate could be peeped.