Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China
Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China
China’s transition to a green, low-carbon, and circular economy will have far-reaching socioeconomic, industrial, and business impact as economic and consumption behavior will be directly related to the country’s progress on tackling climate change and environmental degradation. In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we demonstrate the opportunities and risks involved in the process.

Companies operating in China, including foreign entities, will be under greater pressure to reduce their carbon footprints across their value chains. Green compliance will also be increasingly important once regulators start to issue stricter standards and implement monitoring mechanisms.


However, China’s green transition does open doors to new opportunities for foreign businesses. A push for seeking advanced technologies and tech know-how, more financing options, and regulatory policies leveling the playing field for local and international players is making the growth potential of green industries more attractive than ever.


In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we demonstrate the opportunities and risks involved in China’s green and low-carbon transition. We also investigate some of the industries where the government has sought to attract foreign capital and know-how. Finally, we summarize major green compliance requirements and provide tips on meeting these targets and relevant environmental standards.

India's Transition to Clean Mobility: Investment Landscape and Future Prospects
India's Transition to Clean Mobility: Investment Landscape and Future Prospects
Transportation claims a major share in India’s growth story, and factors like technology, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability have been redefining mobility solutions. Technological advancements and efforts to transition to cleaner alternatives, such as by electrification or use of green hydrogen, will impact both automotive manufacturing industry and consumer market choices.
Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
Vietnam’s digital economy has seen significant growth over the last decade and is expected to be valued at US$57 billion by 2025. The country’s digital transformation is well underway and accelerated by the pandemic as businesses consider the possibilities of a virtual world having experienced sudden and overwhelming restrictions on physical mobility. In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we examine Vietnam’s digital economy and industries contributing to its growth.
Tax, Accounting, and Audit in Vietnam 2022
Tax, Accounting, and Audit in Vietnam 2022
This edition of Tax, Accounting, and Audit Guide for 2022, produced in collaboration with our tax experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, aims to provide an overview of taxes for businesses and individuals in Vietnam, as well as fundamental accounting and audit information in the Vietnamese business context. This guide was first created in mid-2014 based on the information available at the time and has been updated as of May 2022.

For any questions regarding these publications, syndication opportunities, or business questions and enquiries, please contact Rohini Singh.


Rohini Singh
Content Manager
Dezan Shira & Associates
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