| | | IMPORTANT DATES Term 3 Week 2 Dance Week Tuesday 25th July - Parent Information Evening on Writing - 7pm - Staffroom Wednesday 26th July - PTA Meeting - 7pm - Staffroom Thursday 27th July - Pods 1, 4 and 7 Dance Performance 2.00pm - 2.50pm - Hall Friday 28th July - NZ Playhouse Theatre Performance - Treasure Island Friday 28th July - Pods 2, 6 and 8 Dance Performance 2.00pm - 2.50pm - Hall Week 3 Wednesday 2nd August - Author Deano's Performance - 1.45pm Thursday 3rd August - Pod 6 Assembly - 2.15pm - Hall Friday 4th August - PTA Quiz Evening Week 4 Monday 7th August - Board of Trustees Meeting - 5pm - Staffroom Wednesday 9th August - Supporting Children with Anxiety - 7pm - Hall - info below Thursday 10th August - Day 1 EOTC / Snow Sports Programme Friday 11th August - Tribe Afternoon Week 5 Thursday 17th August - Day 2 EOTC / Snow Sports Programme Friday 18th August - Pod 4 Assembly - 2:15pm - Hall Week 6 Thursday 24th August - Day 3 EOTC / Snow Sports Programme Week 7 Tuesday 29th August - WPS Cross Country Thursday 31st August - Day 4 EOTC / Snow Sports Programme Friday 1st September - Fathers Day Breakfast Friday 1st September - Pod 8 Assembly - 2:15pm - Hall IMPORTANT NOTICES 2024 Mount Aspiring College Enrolments If your child will be attending Mount Aspiring College next year it is now time to confirm this by completing an enrolment form. Please click here to access the online enrolment form. All online enrolments will be checked and MAC will get back to you if they have any questions. An acknowledgement will be sent to you in due course and further information regarding term dates etc will be emailed to you during Term 4. For any queries please email enrol@mtaspiring.school.nz. Snow Day Procedure If snow occurs overnight, a decision regarding school closure, or a delayed start, will be made in the morning – we will notify you by the following methods: - Our school website – home page
- Bulk email
- Our School App
If the school closes during the day due to snow, we will notify you via the methods above – please refrain from phoning the office. Buses will not run. Children can be collected and signed out from their classrooms where they will remain under the supervision of a teacher. If you are personally unable to collect your child, then other arrangements should be made for collection.
If a parent wishes to have someone that is recorded as an emergency contact collect their child, the pick up person should go to the classroom, provide identification (if not known to the teacher) and sign the child out.
Now is a good time to consider your emergency contacts – and ensure that the office has recorded the details of at least two people, living locally, who you trust to collect your child if the school closes due to snow. Lost Property  Please come and collect from the office. |
Supporting Children With Anxiety |
Welcome to Room 5 Pod 2 welcomed seven new entrants last week, along with teacher, Ben Foster. They had a great first week together and already have developed a happy, hard working ethos in their room with lots of smiles and activity. Parent Information Session Tonight - don't miss out on hearing Murray Gadd Dr. Murray Gadd is working in school with staff and students from Monday to Wednesday this week. He is kindly offering to share his knowledge about children and their writing with parents at 7.00pm - 8.30pm TONIGHT in the staffroom or school hall if needed.
Murray is NZ's expert on children's writing. Come along and learn why learning to write is so important and how you can support your child's learning. He is happy to answer any questions you may have. Such opportunities do not come up very often so please take advantage of this valuable opportunity.  Writing Workshop for Parents - Tonight Dr. MURRAY GADD 7.00pm - 8.30pm TUESDAY 25th JULY Dance Performances on Thursday and Friday Mark from Dance Curriculum and all of our students have been working flat out on their dances. As Mark has been with us 2 weeks this time, he has been able to take our student dancers a bit deeper into the language of dance. I have sneaked in here and there and every child is engaged, smiling and rocking it.
So don't miss out on watching your child strut their stuff: - Pod 1, 4 and 7 performance this Thursday 27th July 1.30pm - 2.45pm
- Pod 2, 6 and 8 on Friday 28th July 1.30pm - 2.45pm
Other performances happening in the next week or so - Make sure you are here on time to school this Friday as once the roll is taken all classes are off to the hall to view the Playhouse Theatre's performance of Treasure Island. The Playhouse Theatre productions are always of a high quality. This cost of attending this production is covered by your school activity fee.
- On Wednesday 2nd August we have Deano, an author coming to share his books. Deano is a very dramatic presenter of his books and always keeps the kids highly entertained. This also comes from your school activity fee.
School Strategic Direction Survey Thanks to those of you who have completed this already. The survey has been set up so that it will give you reminders to complete it if you haven't so far (a bit like marital nagging...lol) so get it done as soon as you can. You will see that Ian, who has been our IT support provider (ISEG) for a number of years, and is also a Wānaka Primary School parent has kindly donated a Chrome Book to entice you all to contribute to our future thinking for the next few years of Wānaka Primary School's development. This will be drawn, from those who have completed the survey, this Thursday, 27th July. So you only have 2 more sleeps to get it done...do it now! Only 30% of our families have completed the survey so let's see if we can push that above 50%, so we get a clear parent voice coming through. Quiz Evening Last Friday we sent out an email with a Google Doc to seek food donations for our Quiz evening. It is attached here in case you missed it. We would also appreciate having some extra pairs of hands to put the platters together on Friday 4th August (the quiz is that night). If you can help, please let the office know by either ringing, texting or emailing.
We are getting less and less people offering to help for our fundraisers, and it always seems to fall on the same handful from the PTA. Please support the PTA where you can. There is a meeting tomorrow night in the staffroom at 7pm mainly to finalise the Quiz and then start looking at whether our biannual Friday Night Lights Gala has the support from parents needed to go ahead this year. If you would like to help with this event, or in any way, please let the PTA know - pta@wanaka.school.nz. |
The Sunrise - A Poem by Finn Norman (When Finn shared his poem with Wendy she was so impressed she wanted to share it with all of you as well)   Finn Norman, 7 years old, Room 2 |
School Camps 2023 Confirmed Costs for Year 5 & 6 Camps Payment details: Online to Wānaka Primary School Account No: 02-0673-0023784-001 OR Eftpos / cash at the office Payment can be made in instalments. More information will follow about each individual camp. Please regularly check your emails. |
PTA Kiwiana Quiz Tickets are still available for the PTA Quiz Evening but get in quick to book your table of six. This could be a corporate table, a group of friends, or get a couple of tables together and compete against workmates! Please pop into the office or call and reserve your table now. Also please feel free to contact Adele on pta@wanaka.school.nz or through the facebook page. Please have a team name ready when booking and use this as your reference when paying to the Wānaka Primary PTA account: 02-0673-0024330-00 |
Scholastic Book Club Orders Issue 5 Scholastic Loop Book Club catalogues are available from classrooms and there is a free book giveaway. If you wish to place an order, please follow the instructions on the inside back cover using Option 1 – Credit Card / LOOP. No cash or orders are accepted at school.
If your order is a gift, please tick the ‘GIFT’ option, otherwise all orders are handed out to the children. Orders will close at 9.00am Monday 31st July.  |
Library News  Ebooks and Audio Books The Wānaka Public Library has 2 fantastic Ebook Platforms which are highly recommended. All you need is a library membership which is free. Click on the image below to find out more and browse to see what is available:  |
When to Keep Your Child at Home When your child: - Has signs of being unwell i.e. grizzly, unsettled, listless or tired
- Has a high temperature or appears very hot
- Is complaining of, or appears to have a sore tummy, throat or ears
- Has a continuous cough
- Should be at home if has had diarrhoea and vomiting within the last 48 hours
- Has weeping, red eyes and/or a yellow discharge around the eyes
- Has broken skin sores
- Has become ill with a communicable disease e.g. measles, chicken pox
If you are unsure, call your Doctor or Healthline for free health advice: 0800 611 116. Please inform school if your child is going to be kept home due to illness.
Pip McLean our local Public Health Nurse has kindly passed on to us these child health snippets. Should you wish to get in contact with Pip her contact details are: 03 440 4309 or 027 2839 395 or email Pip.McLean@southerndhb.govt.nz. |
Local School Children Season Pass Purchases |
Online Parenting Programme - Helping Your Anxious Child |
Delicious, nutritious and popular with kids, Subway delivers school lunches every Friday. Order online at subwayexpress.co.nz by 9am. |
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