Not Always Easy | Some of our goals and dreams come to fruition so easily that it is as if an unseen hand has done much of the work for us. When this happens, we say it must have been meant to be. On the other hand, when dreams and goals require a tremendous amount of effort, we may interpret this to mean that our dream is not meant to be. However, difficulty is not necessarily a sign that our hopes and plans are ill-fated. On the contrary, difficulties and challenges along the path can be important parts of the project's overall meaning. When everything goes smoothly, we feel blessed by the universe, as if a fleet of angels is guiding and supporting our every move. When things are rough or ambiguous, we sometimes feel that we have been abandoned. And yet, the truth is that we are blessed in both cases. Our angels and guides are always present. They may choose at times to back off and let us figure something out for ourselves, and this is when things seem difficult. But when things are difficult, we learn and grow in specific ways. There is a unique satisfaction that comes to us when we succeed at something that has been a challenge. Our sense of self-reliance expands, and our ability to endure and keep the faith is stronger for having been tested. We learn that we are capable of confronting and overcoming the obstacles in our path, and this empowers us to dream still bigger dreams, knowing that we will not be daunted by the challenges inherent in birthing them. When we find ourselves facing difficulties with a particular plan or project, the chances are we know already whether we are meant to continue on or let it go. We simply need to look within ourselves for the answer. When an idea is meant to be, it comes back to us time and time again. Then we know we can go forward, no matter what challenges arise, knowing that it is meant to be. | DailyOM Course Spotlight by Jannine Murray Do you want a quick and effective workout that will help you reach your health goals? In this course, life coach and fitness specialist, Jannine Murray, provides a series of empowering 5 minute exercises that anyone can do, regardless of their fitness level, to activate their metabolism and energize them for the day ahead. With her expert tips and wellness routines, you'll enhance your well-being and physique, while gaining more self-love. By the end, you will learn how a few minutes of time can transform your body, mind, and spirit. Top 10 DailyOM Courses 1. Gorgeous Youthful You in 21 Days 2. Yoga Stretches for Beginners 3. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days 4. Shakti Warrior Dance for Healing 5. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle 6. Lose Emotional and Physical Weight with Tapping 7. Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain 8. 21 Tapping Meditations for Emotional Eating and Beyond 9. Aging Gracefully with Ballet 10. Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction
New Courses • A Journey to Discover Your Authentic Self Special 4-Course Bundle • Mindfulness Habits to Reduce Stress Special 4-Course Bundle • The Complete Guide to Love Yourself Inside and Out Special 3-Course Bundle • The Total Self-Care Guide Special 3-Course Bundle > More Courses |
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