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OLDaily ~ by Stephen Downes

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PoodLL A\V Recording Plugin For Moodle Gets Deep Into HTML5 With Latest Update
Moodle News, 2018/01/30


Yes, it's pretty incredible that you can record live audio and video directly into your Moodle website. It is also, thanks to HTML5, relatively straightforward. From the developer side of things, it is a lot like uploading a file. It's just that you're uploading the file as it is being created, using the capture="camera" command in the input element. Here's the full specification. This is not to sell the Moodle module short. As designer Justin Hunt shows, nothing is simple

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Education’s dirty little secret
David McQueen, TallBlackOneSugar, 2018/01/30


Writing about "how some schools maintain these outstanding high level attainment grades," David McQueen writes "they weed out the ones who might make the figures not look too good." This, he said, is widespread. "In the main they were black boys who were excluded for behaviour reasons but a quick chat with some of the pupils showed that they were under attaining and moved out." I can't verify whether this assertion is true, but I would suggest that the idea of having 'elite schools' and 'league tables' can certainly lead to these sorts of suspicions and accusations.

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The Central Challenge of Collaboration
Nancy Dixon, conversation matters, 2018/01/30

The more people make collaboration the core of sopcial, political and educational society, the more difficult it becomes to more forward. It's not simply because of our inclination to view those we disagree with as the enemy, as Nancy Dixon says. The difficulty with collaboration is that you have to work together to achieve some common objective. But that's usually precisely where you disagree with the other person. "How can we succeed, then, in working with people we don’t agree with or like or trust?" asks Dixon. My answer has always been to recommend cooperation. You don't need to share objectives, you don't need to share values, you simply need to enter into an exchange that leaves both of you better off. And leave the politics for another day.

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An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform
Kalid Azad, Better Explained, 2018/01/30

I love this analogy describing the Fourier Transform (quoted):

If you like the analogy, go read the explanation. Via Kottke.

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