| BY CHAD CALDER | Staff writer |
The city's trash battle rages on: Metro Service Group, the city's trash hauler servicing half of New Orleans, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday alleging the city's failure to issue an emergency declaration during the pandemic and after Hurricane Ida are the cause of its financial woes. Ben Myers has the details on how that could impact new trash contracts set to go into effect in November. And so does the fight against blight: The city council is beefing up the process for dealing with code enforcement in New Orleans. Matt Sledge has the details on three new ordinances that could help the city combat blight and illegal dumping. New life for Avondale? The owners of the former Avondale Shipyards site are relaunching the sprawling, west bank facility they hope to bring back to life. Tony McAuley has the latest on what Virginia-based T. Parker Host have planned for the site they bought for $60 million in 2018. Also, want more business news? Sign up for our free NOLA Business Insider newsletter, emailed weekday mornings. Thanks for starting your day with Morning Headlines. Catch the latest news all day on NOLA.com. CC |