Ophelia Dingbatter's News NO Sermon here, not for church, just jokes and fun for adults. |
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OpheliaFree.txtGood Morning, John! 0522146Today is Friday, November 6 Time to wear a bit of red to show your support for the troops! (`v) Ophelia Those who matter don't judge me. Those who judge me don't matter.
Those, who click me some grocery money, REALLY matter. Those who matter don't judge me. Those who judge me don't matter.
Those, who click me some grocery money, REALLY matter. Renew / Upgrade ____________________________________________________ This version is just for testing your email, whether you COULD receive my newsletter or not. If you DO receive this, then you can subscribe to the full version. To keep out little kids, the full version costs one dollar a month or ten dollars a year. PayPal does the age check. You can even use credit or debit cards at PayPal if you don't have a PayPal account yet.
Subscribe to the FULL version! _____________________________________________________ Here is
ONE of the many jokes from the full version: ___________________________________________________ 4 A policeman noticed an old lady standing on a street corner during a sudden windstorm. She was bracing herself by holding a light post with one hand, and she was holding her hat snugly against her head with her other hand. Unfortunately, a strong gust blew her dress upward, and it continued to flap in the wind, exposing her privates for everyone to see. The policeman asked, "Hey Lady, everybody is taking a look at what you've got. Don't you think that pulling your dress down is more important than worrying about your hat?" "Look here, Sonny - what these people are looking at is 85 years old, but the Hat is BRAND NEW! _______________________________________
Renew / Upgrade _____________________________________________________ This version is just for testing your email, whether you COULD receive my newsletter or not. If you DO receive this, then you can subscribe to the full version. _____________________________________________________
Enjoy! (`v) Ophelia Enjoy! Ophelia ----------------------------------------- ---------ooooO----------------------- ---------( )-------Ooooo-------. ----------\ (---------( )-------- -----------\ \---------) /---------- ----------- \ _)--------/ /------------ -----------------------(_ /-------------- -----------------------------------------
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