Our activities in October 2023

Publications :

Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2023
22,00€ - paper format
Shop | Europe has changed... This is what the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2023" shows, as it analyses the profound changes that have taken place in Europe, which have been accelerated by the shock of the war in Ukraine. This 17th edition, published by Marie B., includes 19 contributions by some key figures. The book includes 30 original maps and a full set of commented statistics. The book is available in digital format. You can order it here.
The Permanent Atlas of the European Union
20,00€ - paper format
Shop | This autumn don't miss the fifth edition of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union. This unique work, compiled by the Foundation's experts, offers a comprehensive, easy-to-access overview of the Union, the eurozone and each of its 27 Member States. It summarises the essentials of the Union's history and political and statistical realities, and offers more than 50 physical and geopolitical maps of Europe.

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Editorial :

Europe : war looms ever closer


The Hamas attack on Israel demonstrates once again that war is back, the ultimate expression of the law of force in the service of the fait accompli. To gain the respect of increasingly unbridled actors, Europeans cannot ignore military questions.
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Schuman papers :

The video games industry in Europe: current situation, issues and prospects


Beyond its economic performance, the video game industry is eminently strategic, providing 110,000 jobs across Europe, and is a vector of soft power. This analysis by Loïse Lyonnet and David Rabinau has been published to coincide with Paris Games Week (1-5 November).
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One year of the Meloni government: a tortuous but determined path towards Europe.


The first year of Giorgia Meloni's government in Italy has revealed a complex political picture, in which elements of the nationalist right and centrist and moderate tendencies have become intertwined. For Lorenzo Castellani, next June's European elections will be the next test of whether Fratelli d'Italia's political line has changed.
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The European Union's preventive diplomacy: practice makes (not yet) perfect


For Zeljana Zovko MEP (EPP, HR), ten years after the creation of the European External Action Service, discussions continue on the lack of a single voice on the European Union's external policy and its role on the world stage.
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What kind of "European sovereignty" after the Versailles Declaration?


Eighteen months after European leaders made a political commitment to strengthening the European Union's military, energy and economic sovereignty, substantial progress has been made, according to Yves Bertoncini, but this must now be taken further. Read the study:
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Moldova, a land of partnership missions for the European Union


Last spring, the EU launched a civilian mission to help Moldova combat the hybrid threats posed by Russia. Florent Parmentier takes stock of the situation at the third meeting of the European Political Community in Granada.
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European elections monitor :

Three parties are running neck and neck in the Dutch elections on 22 November


With 3 weeks to go before the snap parliamentary elections in the Netherlands on 22 November, Pieter Omtzigt's New Social Contract (NSC) is credited with 27% of the vote, outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte's VVD with 26%, and the single list presented by the Green Left (GL) and the Labour Party (PvdA), led by former European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, with 25%.
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The opposition forces led by Donald Tusk should be able to form the next government in Poland


The three opposition party coalitions - Donald Tusk's Citizens' Coalition (KO), Third Way (Trzecia Droga) and The Left - won the parliamentary elections in Poland on 15 October. They are expected to secure 248 of the 460 seats in the Sejm. The United Right coalition, led by the ruling Law and Justice party, and the Freedom and Independence Confederation, are jointly due to hold 212 seats.
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The Christian Social Party (CSV), winner of the Luxembourg general election, is set to return to office


The Christian Social Party (PCS/CSV), led by Luc Frieden, was the big winner in the legislative elections held in Luxembourg on 8 October. It won 29.21% of the vote and 21 seats. It beat outgoing Prime Minister Xavier Bettel's Democratic Party (PD/DP), which won 18.7% of the vote and 14 seats. It could form a coalition with this party (35 of the 60 seats in parliament) or with the Socialist Party (32 seats).
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Will the Christian Social Party (CSV) return to office in Luxembourg?


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Studies :

Map of European recovery plans
In response to the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union has set up a €672.5 billion recovery fund, known as the "Recovery and Resilience Facility", to be used by Member States in the form of grants and loans. The Foundation offers you an interactive map of the plans country by country, to learn more about the amounts, timetables and priorities.
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Events :

Meeting with Ukrainians


On 24 October, the Foundation organised a breakfast with Myroslav Marynovytch, Vice-Rector of the Catholic University of Lviv, on the subject of relations between the European Union and Ukraine and Ukraine's place in the region and in the world after the war. On 31 October, the Foundation welcomed a group of experts from the think tank Ukrainian Prism for a discussion on the situation in Ukraine and the country's European perspective.
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60 years of the Élysée Treaty. What are the challenges facing the Franco-German friendship in a constantly changing world? ?


Pascale Joannin spoke at a round table organised in Brussels by the partner regions of New Aquitaine and Hesse on Franco-German relations.
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Dialogue with the Admiral (2S) Bernard Rogel


To mark the publication of his book "Un marin à l'Élysée" (published by Tallandier), the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Institut Catholique de Paris organised a discussion with Admiral (2S) Bernard Rogel chaired by Jean-Dominique Giuliani. The discussion focused on maritime issues, defence and security.
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Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Prize award ceremony 2023


The Foundation took part in the 5th Valéry Giscard d'Estaing prize-giving ceremony, which each year rewards students for their commitment to Europe and for writing a dissertation. The theme was: "How is Russia's aggression towards Ukraine affecting the European project?”.
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The foundation in the media :

European council

Disunited Europe?


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Ukraine Eclipsed


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Israel-Palestine: is the solution of two States now nul and void?


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Towards a joint position on Gaza?


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French diplomacy in the Middle East put to the test by Emmanuel Macron's visit to Israel


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What is the role of the international and European community in this war between Israel and Hamas?


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Could the Israeli-Palestinian conflict divert Europeans' attention from Ukraine?


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The European political community calls for continued US aid to Ukraine


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Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, immigration: is Europe united in the face of crises?


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War in Ukraine: behind a glossy European facade, the backyard is less cheerful


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Support to Ukraine


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Elections in poland

Tusk's victory in Poland does not solve everything


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Poland: "We're going to have calmer relations" with the country


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Polish elections: cautious relief in European circles


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European news

Italy. Giorgia Meloni : 1 year in office


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Women in Europe


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Why France needs to think in terms of a "war economy"


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Finding a unanimous position


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Nuclear energy: atomic differences between France and Germany


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Foundation news

Partnership with the ICP


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The contributors of the letter:

Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy, Micol Cattana, Eléna Roux, Amandine Guérin

N°ISSN : 2729-6492


Éric Maurice

Publisher :

Pascale Joannin

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