Happy holidays, Tyee reader!

We’re cozying up by our digital log-fires. Take care, and we wish you the best for the season.

Tyee Writers on Their Best Presents Ever

This is the year for holiday nostalgia. What were you most excited to unwrap?

I Can’t Do Much in the Pandemic. But I Can Give Blood

And that has given this health reporter a small sense of control, and relief.

It’s Now Winter. We Are Wired to Stay Home

Technology changed how we deal with the dark days and long nights. With new restrictions on gathering, it’s changing it again.

2020 Hindsight: The Year’s Newest Christmas Stories

The pandemic has changed our familiar fables. Read along with Steve Burgess.

White Privilege, False Claims of Indigenous Identity and Michelle Latimer

How ‘pretendians’ do serious damage to Indigenous people and set back reconciliation hopes.

2020 Hindsight: The Year in Things That Broke

Some stuff just doesn’t work anymore. Steve Burgess takes stock.

Our Response to COVID-19: What Were We Thinking?

A new book shows how America, and the rest of us, drifted into a pandemic. We remain imperiled.

NDP and Greens Push Trudeau to Answer Vancouver’s Call to Decriminalize Drugs

Critics decry ‘incremental baby steps’ in a nationwide ‘life-and-death crisis.’

2020 Hindsight: The Year in Lessons

The pandemic was like a nightmare substitute teacher. Steve Burgess takes stock.

Alberta Government Fines Hunter for Trespassing on Australian Coal Lease

Levi Williams-Whitney traversed the land to make a video opposing open-pit mining. He has no regrets.

2020 Hindsight: The Year in New Lexicon

We’re saying all kinds of silly things now. Steve Burgess takes stock.

A Key Book on BC’s Black Pioneers Is Back and Better, 42 Years Later

Author Crawford Kilian talks about revisiting, updating and republishing his ‘Go Do Some Great Thing.’

Indigenous Housing Solutions, Built on Empowerment

First Nations designers of sustainable shelter want colonialism torn down. Last in a series on a Green New Deal for housing.

Two Very 2020 Films that Are Actually Very Funny

To relax at the end of this helluva year, I recommend ‘Palm Springs’ and ‘Dick Johnson Is Dead.’