Account Number | 0302414453 | Order Number | I43044770001 | Item Ordered | MEN'S HEALTH PUSH, PULL, SWING PB | Total Amount Due | $4.00 |
Use this information to pay the total amount due: Click here Dear ERNEST MATHABELA, MEN'S HEALTH PUSH, PULL, SWING PB was shipped to you over 3 months ago. We have yet to receive your payment. To avoid future bills, we must receive your full payment of $4.00 immediately. Click here to pay with your credit card on our secure site. It's the fastest, easiest way to pay your bill. Please take a minute to make your payment right now. If you prefer to make payment via the mail, send payment using the bill's remittance slip and return envelope we recently sent you. Thank you. P.S. If you have already paid your bill, please accept our thanks ... and disregard this notice! The notices probably crossed in the mail.