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July 1-15, 2018
Best Astrologer Winner 3 years in a row

Plutonian Solar Eclipse

Dear John,

Blessings to you and yours!

My personal thoughts this issue are on "Twin Flame Interdependence." They grew into a fascinating post -- it's the next item down!

Also in this newsletter:

  • Eclipse special continues: save up to 45%!
  • Watch my 2 summer forecast videos -- 3000+ views in 10 days!
  • 20% off your birthday reading
  • Free session winner!
In the forecast, the first of three summer eclipses radiates its life-transforming energy during the first half of July. This Cancer Solar Eclipse features a tight Pluto opposition that can potently catalyze 
releasing, wealth and power!

We also have Jupiter turning directChiron turning retrograde, a "Pseudo-Grand Cross" and several other powerful aspect patterns. Very juicy!
Details below. Enjoy this AstroShaman News!

Twin Flame Interdependence

Every July 4, my good friend Patrick throws an "Interdependence Day" party. He does it to emphasize how much we all need each other: locally, globally, and otherwise.
As my relationship deepens with my beloved twin flame Maeikisala, I experience "Interdependence Day" every day. This process can be simultaneously wonderful and a bit unsettling!

Twin Flame Relationships

First off, what's a twin flame? My understanding is that it's two humans who split off from the same soul when they incarnated. The twin flames I know tend to stick together whether they want to or not, whether the relationship is flowing or challenging.
Twin flame relationships aren't always easy. Maeikisala and I know several twin flame couples whose relationships can be extremely challenging. Yet they remain together, seemingly bound by a potent gravitational field. Even if escape velocity is temporarily attained, the couple is inevitably pulled back together.

Extraordinary Harmony

Given what we've observed about other self-identified twin flame couples, Maeikisala and I feel very fortunate. Since we met last August - and started living together one week later! - our relationship has been marked by an extraordinary degree of harmony.
Even though we have a radically free relationship agreement - neither of us has to do anything we don't want to - we find serving each other to be both pleasurable and fulfilling. We're typically both in the house all day, yet we always enjoy each other's company. I can't think of a single moment when I wished Maeikisala wasn't here. (Happily, she reports the same feelings about me.)

Increasing Interdependence

Perhaps it's because of this extraordinary compatibility that our higher selves are making us progressively more interdependent. The most obvious way this plays out is that a certain ...

Eclipse Special: Save up to 45%!

Three powerful eclipses happen this summer ... with the first one less than two weeks away!
  • The July 12 Solar Eclipse offers profound transformation, with Pluto making a super-tight opposition to the Sun and Moon.
  • The July 27 Total Lunar Eclipse is also a powerhouse, with the luminaries closely conjunct the lunar nodes and tightly squaring paradigm-shifting Uranus.
  • Finally, the August 11 Solar Eclipse places the Sun and Moon at the tip of a potent "Finger of God" aspect pattern - with the "gods of change" Neptune and Pluto on the back end!
All three of these eclipses can powerfully affect you for the next 6 to 12 months. Let me help you harness these potent eclipse energies so they'll make your life more wonderful!
  • Are you concerned about how these eclipses will affect you?
  • Do you want to maximize their benefits?
Then consider an eclipse-focused astrology consultation!

Special Offer on Risk-Free Astrology+ Sessions.

free consultation winnerFree Session Winner!


As an AstroShaman News subscriber, you get a new chance to win a free session with me every month! (A lucky listener of my This Week in Astrology podcast also wins a free session every month.)    

The July winner, chosen by an internet random sequence generator to insure fairness, is 
Selma. Congratulations!

Only one Selma receives this newsletter. Reply to this email if you're her, confirm the email you subscribed with, and schedule your free one-hour session!

If you didn't win this time, don't lose heart. As long as you keep subscribing to this newsletter, you have 12 chances per year to win your free session!

26 Minutes = Abundant Insight: Watch my 2 Summer Forecast Videos!

3000 views in 10 days!

Unsolicited review posted yesterday: 

"I recommend this video [about the three eclipses]. I am amazed, I feel So tuned in to this level of real, applicable information. Very high level of knowledge that one can apply immediately to change one's Life to the better. Excellent knowledge. Thank you, Benjamin!   

     -- Iris Bloom

How can you enjoy the most wonderful possible benefits from the Summer Solstice chart and the 3 upcoming eclipses in July and August? Join all the people who have found out by watching my 2 new forecast videos -- 3000+ views since I posted them 10 days ago!

The Summer Solstice chart's influence will last for 3 months, and the eclipse effects could last for a year! As always, I accentuate the positive, make the technical stuff easy to understand, and entertain you with lots of graphics.

This Week in Astrology logo
 "This Week in Astrology" Podcast
 Episode 473    July 1-15
 iTunes' #1 astrology podcast!

The first of three summer eclipses radiates its life-transforming energy during the first half of July. This Cancer Solar Eclipse features a tight Pluto opposition that can potently catalyze releasing, wealth and power!

We also have Jupiter turning direct, Chiron turning retrograde, a "Pseudo-Grand Cross" and several other powerful aspect patterns. Very juicy!

Our Listener Chart features Mo, whose chart is being powerfully catalyzed by the Plutonian Solar Eclipse! Learn how he can capitalize on this intense stimulation of his natal T-square, which includes his Sun, lunar nodes, Ascendant, Descendant, and Saturn. And that's before we get into the eclipse's soft-aspect stimulation of his Midheaven, Nadir and Chiron!
20% OFF 

birthday cake
You get a 20% discount off my full rate when you book an astrology consultation during your birthday month.* This is a great time to get a preview of your major opportunities and challenges during the coming 12 months (and beyond), and save some money!  LEARN MORE.
* Cannot be combined with other price reduction or sliding scale offers
Mark Your Calendar


Tue., July 17, 7-9 pm: We host a Shamanic Awakening Ceremony at our home in Asheville, NC.


Tue., August 21, 7-9 pm: We host a Shamanic Awakening Ceremony at our home in Asheville, NC.

Aug. 24-26: 5th Annual Wildman Gathering: Weekend of Elemental Initiations for Men, near Asheville, NC. I'll be supporting the gathering as a musician and small group facilitator.


I facilitate FREE weekly events via phone or web to empower your healing, awakening, and much more. Check out EASE, the Embodied Awakening Support Experience!
July 1-15: Plutonian Solar Eclipse

The first of three summer eclipses radiates its life-transforming energy during the first half of July. This Cancer Solar Eclipse features a tight Pluto opposition that can potently catalyze releasing, wealth and power!
We also have Jupiter turning directChiron turning retrograde, a "Pseudo-Grand Cross" and several other powerful aspect patterns. Very juicy!
In Closing

Thanks for taking the time to read this, John. Your comments are always welcome. May the stars light your way!

Infinite blessings,
Benjamin Bernstein

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My Astrology+ and Shamanic Healing sessions are just as powerful long distance as in person.