Pointy Ettas From Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Dog's Life By Laurie Sontag I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. ~John Steinbeck So here's the deal. I'm not the one who writes the holiday letter. I'm the dog, Kirby, the smart one in the pack. The female human, the human that the others call "Mom," is busy. She says she's doing holiday stuff, but between you and me, she's suffering from severe cookie overdose. Look, it's been a stressful season. First of all, there's a dead, fat guy dressed in a red suit on the lawn. Now you'd think the humans would be upset, but each morning when I go out to bark at him, the female human yells, "For Pete's sake Kirby, it's just deflated." Believe me, I know dead, and that guy in the red suit isn't just deflated. (Keep reading) |