Industries that saw the biggest job gains recently as the economy ramps up include janitorial, construction, retail, restaurants, dentists, factory and delivery, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the restaurant industry, 1.4 million jobs were added back in May.
If you become bored with your job, look first to recrafting it, which can be done by setting aside 30 days to study what makes you happy about your job and where the company is going, suggests career coach Rachel Montanez. After that, join an internal committee, reach out to coworkers to build your network and set three goals to boost engagement with your job, she says.
Even before the coronavirus pandemic, many organizations began incorporating "hot desking" protocols to maximize office space and optimize work flow. But can such concepts aimed at flexibility diminish workers' comfort and concentration levels? Research out of Australia leveraged artificial intelligence to tackle that question and the answer is yes.
The labor market showed signs of healing in May, with the unemployment rate dropping to 13.3% from 14.7% in April. The economy added 2.5 million jobs as businesses began to reopen.
Economists warn that the better-than-expected jobs report released Friday doesn't paint the full picture as not all furloughed workers will have a job to return to. "Even if the recovery just goes gangbusters we're still going to be in really, really bad shape" this summer, says Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute.
Seismic waves from Saturn's interior push out with such strength that they cause the planet's rings to vibrate. The discovery is significant because it indicates some of the interior of Saturn is stable.