Based on brain science and development to help kids of all ages.
Take steps to empower your child’s growth |
Harness the power of brain science | Insights and tools you can begin to implement today to help your child thrive. | Learn more |
Dear Reader, Attention, mood, emotions, behaviors, organization, communication, social interactions, learning and confidence all have one thing in common—the brain. Your child’s brain determines how they take in, process, and react to the world around them, influencing everything, from their thoughts and feelings to actions and interactions. Too often parents and educators take a passive role in this process, wishing, hoping, and praying for growth and change. Back on Track will help parents and caregivers better understand why stress, change, and disruption in daily experiences impact development and how kids feel and function. This deeper understanding will help connect the dots between what is and what could be and why. Even more importantly, this book provides insights and tools parents can begin to implement today, for kids of all ages. |
This book covers the following and more: Coordination, attention and learning Developing social and communication skills Anxiety and the brain Optimizing well-being Creating your action plan Written by Dr. Rebecca Jackson, an industry leader in brain health and a mom herself. She leads research on cognition, development, and well-being, and creates programs for people wanting to achieve more – for themselves and their children. Back on Track provides an action plan for parents to help their child thrive at school, at home and at play. Order today and receive a special discount! | Order now | Yours in good health, Dan Harke, Publisher Mayo Clinic Press |