In this issue, September 20, 2022 View it in your browser.

Netflix’s Recommender, Production-Readiness Reviews, Tooling DevEx, Microsoft Cloud Licensing, AWS Event Ruler, Java Extent-Local, .NET 7 Containerised Apps, Preact Signals, Swift 5.7, Hybrid Teams

Final call for QCon San Francisco early bird tickets: Full price from September 27th.

With only 6 weeks until QCon San Francisco, we’re excited to announce that we have released our full conference schedule and have 93% of our software practitioner speakers confirmed. Master your skills with focused training from domain experts at QCon. Last chance to secure your early bird ticket. Book now.



The Practical Guide to Successful Data Mesh Implementations

While organizations see the value and potential of Data Mesh, many struggle to overcome common obstacles that slow down time to value. This guide describes common challenges to adopting and implementing Data Mesh, helping you to minimize risk and to realize its value. Download now.

InfoQ Technology Adoption Survey 2022

We have a small favour to ask. The InfoQ team would like to better understand which technologies and software products are currently on your radar. Your responses will help us create more topically relevant and useful content for the InfoQ community. Complete the survey for a chance to win 1 of 5 complimentary all-access tickets to QCon Plus (Nov 29 - Dec 9) worth $599. Take the 3 minute survey.

Getting Value out of an ML Model with Philip Howes

We are talking with Philip Howes about how to get value from your ML model as fast as possible. We will also talk about how to improve your deployed model, and what tools you can use when setting up ML projects. We conclude by discussing how stake holders should be involved, and what makes up a complete ML team. (Podcast)

Tackling the Human Side of Digital Transformation

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, spoke to Missy Lawrence Johnston about the human skills engineers and engineering leaders need to build in the digital age. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Amazon SageMaker Provides New Built-in TensorFlow Image Classification Algorithms

  2. Netflix’s New Algorithm Offers Optimal Recommendation Lists for Users with Finite Time Budget

  3. MIT Researchers Develop AI Model to Solve University-Level Mathematics Problems

  4. Oracle Announces General Availability of MySQL Heatwave on AWS

Microservices to Async Processing Migration at Scale

In a web-based service, a slowdown in request processing can eventually make your service unavailable. Chances are, not all requests need to be processed right away. Some of them just need an acknowledgement of receipt. Have you ever asked yourself: “Would I benefit from asynchronous processing of requests? If so, how would I make such a change in a live, large-scale mission critical system?” (Article)



From Minecraft to LinkedIn: How Microsoft Uses Java Internally

This paper provides a historical look at the ways in which Microsoft has adopted Java over the years, the recent history of Microsoft’s investments in Java, and how various groups within Microsoft are using Java internally. Download now.

The Hows and Whys of Effective Production-Readiness Reviews

At QCon Plus November 2021, Nora Jones, CEO and founder of Jeli, talked about how to build production readiness reviews (PRR) with emphasis on context and psychological safety. Her talk focused on the particulars of a PRR process that relates to incidents. (Article)

Hone Your Tools: Building Effective & Delightful Developer Experiences

Suhail Patel goes through Monzo’s early investment in Developer Tooling, showcasing Monzo’s deployment/release tooling which enables engineers to ship hundreds of times a day with confidence. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!



Technical Debt: A Guide for Frustrated Software Architects and CIOs

We explore 5 critical elements of technical debt in this guide. Read Now.


  1. Google Introduces Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery

  2. Amazon SNS Introduces Message Data Protection to Discover Sensitive Data in Motion

  3. AWS IAM Identity Center Introduces APIs to Manage Users and Groups at Scale

  4. Google Brings Compute Engine Integration to Cloud Code

  5. Microsoft Changes Cloud Licensing to Ease Moving Workloads to Partner Clouds

Fireside Chat w/ Docker CTO

Justin Cormack discusses the present and future of cloud tech, ebpf, isolation, kernel improvements, and more. (Presentation with transcript included)



Simplify Multi-Cluster Multi-Tenant Management with AWS EKS and D2iQ

Learn about the challenges associated with managing a multi-cluster, multi-tenant environment in this cheat sheet from our friends at D2iQ. Download now.


  1. Introducing Helidon Níma Using Virtual Threads to Achieve Simplicity and High Performance

  2. JEP 429: Extent-Local Variables to Promote Immutability in Java

Java News Roundup: NetBeans 15, Jakarta EE 10, jtreg 7, Spring Cloud, Groovy, Helidon, Micronaut

This week's Java roundup for September 5th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, Jakarta EE 10, Spring Cloud 2021.0.4, Quarkus 2.12.1, Micronaut 3.6.2 and 3.6.3, Helidon 2.5.3, important changes to upcoming JDK 8 maintenance release, Hibernate ORM 6.1.3, Reactive Native JHipster 4.3.0, Apache NetBeans 15, Apache Groovy 4.0.5, Apache Camel 3.18.2, Ktor 2.1.1 and the JavaZone conference. (News)


Ably Realtime

Build WebSocket infrastructure in-house or outsource to the experts?

500 engineering leaders answered this question and shared their thoughts on working with a PaaS provider versus building WebSocket infrastructure in-house. Download the full report.

.NET 7 SDK Now Supports Building Containerised Apps

Microsoft announced on August 25th that .NET 7 SDK will include support for creating containerised applications as part of a build publish process, bypassing the need for explicit Docker build phase. (News)


  1. Preact Joins the Crowd and Bakes in Reactivity Primitives with New Signals API

Facebook MemLab Helps Finding JavaScript Memory Leaks

While JavaScript runtimes use garbage collection to manage memory, this does not rule out the possibility of leaking memory. To detect all possible cases where memory is leaked, Facebook created and open-sourced MemLab, a tool able to run predefined, automatable test scenarios and analyze heapshot diffs. (News)



9 Best Practices for Release Management

Learn about common release management feature flag use cases and how to deploy release management feature flags using Ring and Percentage deployment. You'll also learn about release management best practices across the software development lifecycle. Download now.

Swift 5.7 Brings New Generics Implementation and Reference Counting Improvements

Announced at WWDC 2022, Swift 5.7 is now officially available. It includes major improvements to the compiler internals, and many syntax and standard library additions, including String regex, concurrency updates, and more. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AWS Adds New Intrinsic Functions for Step Functions

AWS Open Sources Event Ruler

AWS recently announced that Event Ruler, the component managing the routing rules of Amazon EventBridge, is now open source. The project is a new option for developers in need to match lots of patterns, policies, or expressions against any amount of events in near real-time. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Establishing Autonomy and Responsibility with Networks of Teams

Hidden Habits Killing Your Remote Team’s Ability to Collaborate Effectively

Some habits carried over from in-person work continue to damage collaboration and engagement for hybrid and remote teams. By not addressing these habits, teams are experiencing deteriorating morale, lack of trust and connection required for meaningful collaboration. Here are four examples of habits leaders can address today to build more connected, engaged and innovative teams. (Article)

Remote and Hybrid Teams Panel

The panelists discuss teamwork from a variety of perspectives, from a traditional office setting to remote-first to a hybrid one, and how to be successful in a productive hybrid team. (Presentation with transcript included)

Architecture for Flow with Wardley Mapping, DDD, and Team Topologies

Susanne Kaiser illustrates the concepts of DDD, Wardley Mapping and Team Topologies, and demonstrates how these techniques help to evolve a fictitious legacy system for a fast flow of change. (Presentation with transcript included)

InfoQ Call for Contributors

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GraphQL at Enterprise Scale E-book

The Data Divide: Top Challenges Facing Enterprise Data Teams



Architecture of a Distributed Database - Watch Webinar On-Demand