In this issue, October 8, 2019 View it in your browser.

Programming Languages Trends, Taming Complex Systems, Learning from Incidents at Netflix, Google NLP Dialog Datasets, Consul, C++ in.NET Core, C# 8.0, Gatsby, CQRS

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Programming Languages InfoQ Trends Report - October 2019

This article provides a summary of how the InfoQ editorial team currently sees the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the programming language space, as of Q3, 2019. (Trends Report)

The InfoQ eMag - Taming Complex Systems in Production

To tame complexity and its effects, organizations need a structured, multi-pronged, human-focused approach, that: makes operations work sustainable, centers decisions around customer experience, uses continuous testing, and includes chaos engineering and system observability. In this eMag, we cover all of these topics to help you tame the complexity in your system. (eMag)

Ryan Kitchens on Learning from Incidents at Netflix, the Role of SRE, and Sociotechnical Systems

In today’s podcast, we sit down with Ryan Kitchens, a senior site reliability engineer and member of the CORE team at Netflix. This team is responsible for the entire lifecycle of incident management at Netflix, from incident response to memorialising an issue. (Podcast)

Jeremy Kriegel on Design Innovation and Doc Norton on why Tuckman was Wrong

In this podcast, recorded at the Agile India 2019 conference, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, first spoke to Jeremy Kriegel about design innovation and then with Doc Norton about why Tuckman was wrong and how dynamic reteaming makes organisations more resilient. (Podcast)

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Tell us what you think about the content on InfoQ and how we can help you better. Book a time with Charles Humble, InfoQ's editor-in-chief.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

Google Releases Two New NLP Dialog Datasets

Researchers from Google AI released two new dialog datasets for natural-language processing (NLP) development: Coached Conversational Preference Elicitation (CCPE) and Taskmaster-1. The datasets contain thousands of conversations as well as labels and annotations for training digital assistants to better determine users' preferences and intentions. (News)


  1. HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure: The First Fully Managed Consul Offering

  2. Amazon Updates S3 Service with Same-Region Replication

  3. The Benefits and Challenges of Bringing Infrastructure as Code into a CD Pipeline: Honeycomb Q&A

  4. CircleCI Adds New Sumo Logic Integration to Provide Build Pipeline Analytics

  5. Gremlin Introduces Scenarios, Enabling Real-World Chaos Experiments

Improving Security Practices in the Cloud Age: Q&A With Christopher Gerg

IT leaders say that security is a top priority. Surveys show that it’s easy to say, and hard to do. InfoQ spoke with Christopher Gerg, CISO at Gillware, about security practices in the cloud age. (Article)

Beyond Entitlements for Cloud-native

Chandra Guntur and Hong Liu show how they use Open Policy Agent with Spring Boot and HOCON to produce a responsibility management solution that scales to volume and performance needs. They also show some hiccups that they faced while deriving the most optimal solution for their needs. A short explanation of some tooling they built for validating the policy files in the IDE is also discussed. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

Alibaba Container Platform Infrastructure - a Kubernetes Approach

Fei Guo talks about Alibaba’s decision to fully integrate upstream Kubernetes into the existing Alibaba container management system. He presents how Alibaba extended Kubernetes to help with their scalability needs, and shares Alibaba’s plans to open source their Controller and Scheduler extensions. (Presentation with transcript included)

See what’s new in DevOps including:

  • Implementing Policies in Kubernetes
  • Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations
  • How to Use Chaos Engineering to Break Things Productively
  • And more...


  1. Helm as a Package Manager for Kubernetes: Q&A with Helm Founder Matt Butcher

Your Program as a Transpiler: Applying Compiler Design to Everyday Programming

Edoardo Vacchi discusses opportunities to apply programming language development techniques learned working with Drools and jBPM to a broader context. (Presentation with transcript included)

Panel: Which Java Vendor Should I Choose?

The panelists provide an animated discussion to help people pick which JDK makes sense for their organization. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. C++ is Coming to .NET Core for Windows

  2. F# 4.7 Enables Preview of New Language Features and Relaxes Syntax

  3. Microsoft Releases C# 8.0

Using the .Net Core Template Engine to Create Custom Templates and Projects

The tooling story changed dramatically with .NET Core, because of its serious emphasis on the command line. This is a great fit for .NET Core's cross-platform, tooling-agnostic image. (Article)


  1. Running WASI in the Browser and Node.js with Wasmer-JS

React-Based Site Generator Gatsby Raises $15M

Gatsby, the open-source React-based site generator framework, has raised $15 million in a Series A funding round, led by CRV. Gatsby plans to grow its team, invest over $3 million yearly in open-source software (including Gatsby itself), and develop a cloud services offering. (News)



The Ultimate Guide to Open Source Security

This technical paper breaks down the risks posed by vulnerable open source components, how vulnerabilities are discovered and reported and how to address issues with technologies for more efficient remediation. Download Now.


Google Enables Continuous Testing Using the Android Emulator

The Android Emulator is the main tool Android developers use to test their apps. Google has just made integrating the Android Emulator within a continuous testing pipeline easier by open sourcing the Android Emulator Container Scripts and two related tools. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Sense and Nonsense in Event Thinking and Microservices

  2. Extend Azure PaaS Resources to Your Network Using Azure Private Link

Day Two Problems When Using CQRS and Event Sourcing

There are a lot of good reasons for building a CQRS and event-sourcing based system, but there are also problems that appear only after an application is in production. In a presentation at the recent Event-driven Microservices Conference held by AxonIQ, Joris Kuipers shared his experience running and evolving CQRS and event sourced applications in production. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Becoming Outcome Focused: Q&A with Jeff Patton

  2. Leadership in an Agile Environment

Agile Coaching Around Conflict Management

Conflicts are not bad, it is the way we handle them that makes a difference. In a healthy team environment conflict can be a catalyst for creativity and innovation . A coach is not responsible for resolving conflict, but to help the team keep conflict healthy and provide guidance and tools which enable positive outcomes. (Article)

Scrum: The Art of Changing the Possible

The Scrum Fieldbook aims at introducing Scrum within organizations outside of the software industry, where Scrum can help leaders achieve a culture of high performance. The author shares patterns, practices and practical steps that leaders can take to incorporate these successfully in their organization. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Managing Technical Debt

The book Managing Technical Debt by Philippe Kruchten, Robert Nord, and Ipek Ozkaya provides principles and practices that help you gain control of technical debt throughout the software development process and life of the software product. (Article)

Building Large Agile Teams

Kiran Kanchan discusses how Spark manages to deliver high quality code with teams of 12-24 people. (Presentation)

Users' Privacy Is in Your Hands!

Katarzyna Szymielewicz discusses technology and privacy, the need to consider privacy when designing systems, and the role of developers in this process. (Presentation)

Establishing Business Agility in a Bank

Dee Wauchope and Julian Holmes explain how ThoughtWorks supported a change journey at a major bank, the results that were achieved, the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. (Presentation)

Agile for the Introvert

Tobias Anderberg discusses introverts, extroverts and everything in between, how to foster an inclusive team environment, and the importance of psychological safety. (Presentation)

Highlighting Silicon Valley Strategies for Improving Engineering Velocity, Efficiency, and Quality

David Mercurio shares personal insights and experiences about cultural practices that one can apply to help improve the effectiveness of an engineering organization. (Presentation with transcript included)

Robot Social Engineering: Social Engineering Using Physical Robots

Brittany Postnikoff covers some of the capabilities of physical robots, related human-robot interaction research, and the interfaces that can be used by a robot to social engineer humans. She discusses the security, privacy, and ethical implications of social robots, the interfaces used to control them, and the techniques that can be used to prevent robot social engineering attacks. (Presentation with transcript included)

Empathy: A Keystone Habit

Paul Tevis explores how empathy – the ability to understand others' needs and ensure that they know that you understand them – is what Charles Duhigg calls a "keystone habit", a behavior change that unlocks other cascading behavior changes. Along the way, he tries to demystify what empathy is and give us simple tools to enhance our practice of empathy. (Presentation with transcript included)