Protecting smart homes from cyber threats | Navigating real estate transactions during a divorce | These small actions can have a big impact on leadership
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Protecting smart homes from cyber threats Smart homes can offer a wealth of conveniences and customized experiences, but connected devices also can serve as an entry point for cybercriminals to access your clients' sensitive data. Two real estate pros who sell smart homes highlight the benefits of these properties and how to mitigate the potential risks. Watch or listen to the latest episode of the "Drive With NAR" podcast. Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine/Drive With NAR (10/21)
Help Protect Your Income As an NAR member you take diligent care of your clients every day. If you cannot work due to an injury or illness, REALTORS® Short Term Disability Insurance can help take care of you and your family. You can focus on your recovery, not your finances. >>Learn More
These small actions can have a big impact on leadership Effective leadership involves focusing on small, everyday actions rather than just significant accomplishments, leadership coach Scott Cochrane writes. Cochrane suggests leaders should strive every day to solve problems, make progress towards goals, assist others, clarify team direction and reinforce core values. Full Story: Scott Cochrane (10/17)
Sales success hinges on knowledge, adaptability Achieving professionalism in sales requires a commitment to ongoing education and a deep understanding of the company, product, customer and competition, writes Paul Reilly. True sales professionals stand out by holding themselves to high standards and continuously adapting to industry changes, Reilly writes. Full Story: Industrial Distribution (10/18)
Conflicts among team members may be inevitable, but Karin Hurt and David Dye offer eight strategies to quell discord, including staying calm, finding and understanding the root of the dispute, following up with team members afterward and teaching them techniques to handle future disagreements. "The highest-performing teams don't shy away from conflict. They embrace it and understand that every disagreement is an opportunity to build relationships and improve results," they write. Full Story: Let's Grow Leaders (10/18)
The National Association of REALTORS® is America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. REALTOR® Magazine is the official magazine of NAR, bringing expert insight to real estate trends, tools, and business strategies.
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