Interview Put Not Your Trust in ChatGPT, for Now Q&A with a veteran AI engineer and entrepreneur, Tom Kehler, about the limits of the popular chatbot and the wonders of the human brain. Interview by Emily Belz
Tom Kehler has worked in artificial intelligence for more than 40 years, as a coder and a CEO. He grew up a preacher’s kid and got into mathematical linguistics in high school. After earning a PhD in physics, he wanted to do linguistics with Wycliffe Bible Translators, but “God kept closing that door,” he says, and instead he found himself working with natural language processing in computing.
He had a stint in academia before joining Texas Instruments in 1980, where he began working ...
Hagar’s unhappiness helps one Indonesian father become a better parent.
A Mexican mother reflects on the parallels between Abraham nearly sacrificing Isaac and the false idols that tempt families to sacrifice their children today.
A Chinese writer ponders the ramifications of Joseph’s decision to bring his brothers close after a life-changing betrayal.
A Brazilian writer explores the significance of his country’s growing evangelical population even as the number of people going hungry ...
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