A question I often ask new subscribers is, "What is your biggest challenge?"
Overwhelmingly, artists say "getting my art seen", "getting subscribers", "marketing" or some variation that boils down to this: How can you get people who buy art, to actually, seriously look at your art?
I also saw a tweet the other day that read, "I've never met an artist who wasn't his own worst enemy." And man, sometimes I feel like that is true.
On the one hand, artists tell us their biggest challenge is "getting seen", on the other hand, we come with opportunities for artists to get seen, that don't cost any money, and most don't take advantage of them.
Will you be the artist that gets seen and pushes your business forward? Or will you be like the majority that will delete this email and then continue to wonder why some artists seem to sell? Here's the offer: We are asking you to refer colleagues to subscribe to FineArtViews. You are a subscriber, so, presumably, you think it has value. Why not share that value with other artists?
To sweeten the deal, we are going to reward the top three referring artists, from now until June 15th, with full features in our collector facing newsletter, InformedCollector. It is sent several times a week to over 45,000 art fans, lovers and collectors.
Here's an example of a full feature in Informed Collector: