Feed your family ALL YEAR from your backyard garden. Click Here! |
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| | Dear Friend: | Show me a ¼ acre backyard, and I’ll show you a ton of vegetables. Literally. As in 2,000 pounds! And that’s just the beginning! It has never been so EASY to get the most from your garden. Add a few chickens to that same ¼ acre, and in one year you’ll have 1,400 eggs. A couple of beehives? 100 pounds of honey! And I’m still just getting started! With The Backyard Homestead at your side, you can unlock the potential of your little corner of the world — with bounty you simply never imagined could be possible. | • | TRIPLE your yield with this one simple change. Page 24 |
| • | Water this way, and you'll actually get sweeter strawberries! Page 45 |
| • | How to tell if a tomato plant is hungry. Page 78 |
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|  | • Hundreds of expert gardening secrets: How, when, where to plant. Garden plans. Watering tips. Much more! | • Yes, you can! (And freeze, and dry, and pickle, and store … ) Preserve your harvest so you can be a “locavore” all year long! Tons of practical tips. | • Be fruitful: Harvest 60 pounds of fruit a year practically free! (Have you seen the price of organic fruit lately?!?) | • Luscious landscaping: Yes! Even your ornamental plantings can be delicious! |
| • Chickens in your backyard: Selecting breeds, coop building plans, care, and feeding. Also rabbits, goats — and how about raising your own Thanksgiving turkey? | • Self-sufficiency 101: Learn how to make cider, cheese, maple syrup, wine, honey, jam, jerky, butter, and on and on and on! | • And much, much more! You have got to see it for yourself! |
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|  | With The Backyard Homestead, you can actually harvest all the delicious, fresh, organic food your family needs — year in, year out. Think you’d need to “go back to the land” to grow that much? Think again! If you have a backyard — or even a patio, balcony, or window box! — you’ll be astounded at how much you can harvest with just the land you’ve got! |  | Kelly Jennings |
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| YES! I want to raise my biggest veggies, juiciest fruits, and most amazing variety of homegrown food ever — the sensible, easy way. | |  |
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