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February 3, 2024
Agronomists Worry Moisture Deficits Will Contribute To Herbicide Carryover
While you can't make Mother Nature send rain, you can review crop-rotation restrictions on chemistries you applied last year. Knowing that information can guide what crop you plant where this spring.

You break, you pay. Fighting to save his farmland, Marvin Houin used data to prove the government destroyed his yields.

State Destroys Farmer’s Yield, Pays $810,000 Damages

Stine shares that half of the company's sales come from ag retailers.

Q&A with Myron Stine: Family Roots, Global Springboard

Ag economists’ views on the ag economy took a dive in the first Ag Economists’ Monthly Monitor of 2024; however, relatively strong balance sheets and working capital could provide a cushion for 2024.

Why Ag Economists Think Net Farm Income Could Fall to Lowest Level in 3 Years

The partnership combines the digital and onboard capabilities of John Deere with agronomic analysis from Corteva.

John Deere, Corteva Partner Up On Customized Agronomic Solutions
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