
The Logan Act Is Dumb and Should be Repealed

The Boston Globe has a big scoop: John Kerry has been quietly meeting with foreign diplomats from Iran, Germany, the EU, and other countries as part of a coordinated campaign to try to keep President Trump from pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal. This behavior is raising a few eyebrows, notes the Globe:

Rachel Dolezal Still Doesn't Get It

Watching the new Netflix documentary The Rachel Divide, a tragically banal ride-along with transracial pretender turned viral controversialist Rachel Dolezal, I got Philip Larkin stuck in my head. Dolezal is not just a daughter lying about who her white parents were. She’s a mother whose lies cost her three black sons any chance at a normal life.

The Trumpification of Senate Primaries

Today on the Daily Standard Podcast, deputy online editors Chris Deaton and Jim Swift discuss the GOP primaries in West Virginia and Indiana, Rudy Giuliani's weekend blitz, and Senator John McCain's forthcoming book.

Free Luggage Tag

Ransomware Is Coming; It'll Make You Wannacry

Using a polymorphic attack algorithm, TurboHax not only infects and locks users out of files on their desktop or laptop computers, it spreads to their mobile phones and other connected devices. When infected users connect to their home wifi networks, their televisions, internet-enabled speakers, and online home security systems become compromised, too. When the virus’s delayed detonation finally goes off, people are simultaneously locked out of every device they own.

The Armageddon Economy

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer called it “a monstrosity and such a danger to the country.” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called it “Armageddon” and “the worst bill in the history of the United States Congress.” They howled that the bill would unjustly enrich corporations while claiming, falsely, that the poor and middle class would be stuck with higher tax bills.

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