Rate our Communications The City of Wanneroo wants to know how best to communicate with its residents. So, instead of us just making it all up, we’re conducting a really short survey to understand the views of the people who actually live here, just like yourself!
Now is your chance to get your opinion across. The survey will only take 5 minutes to complete and as a BIG thank you for your valuable time and feedback, everyone who successfully completes this survey will go into a prize draw to win $50 gift voucher to The Boat at Mindarie Marina $50 gift voucher to the Indian Ocean Brewing Company at Mindarie Marina Take the Survey
The City has commissioned Painted Dog Research, an independent market research agency, to conduct this important survey on its behalf.
All your responses are strictly confidential. This guarantee of confidentiality is protected by the Federal Privacy Act. Under no circumstances will any personal data be disclosed to any organisation other than Painted Dog Research or be used for any purpose other than the research study. | |
Stay tuned for event details... We'll be announcing our events season in the coming weeks so stay tuned for what we've got in store for you this season! | |