| Paul Winfree, Washington Examiner The Biden administration is rolling out what it calls the "New Washington Consensus" in an attempt to fuse its domestic and international economic policy agendas. White House national security... READ MORE |
| Steve Benen, MSNBC It's not just that one Republican forgot who was president in 2020, it's that several Republicans keep forgetting who was president in 2020. READ MORE |
| Brian Riedl, The Daily Beast President Biden frames the GOP as "hostage takers," but both parties have historically demanded new policies attached to debt limit increases. President Biden portrays House Republicans as... READ MORE |
| John Tamny, RCM As Democrats and Republicans continue to feed their hungry flocks with debt-ceiling theatrics, pundits are doing their part for the performers by fanning the nonsensical flames. The Washington Post's... READ MORE |
| Douglas Schoen, Hill Biden, being in a disadvantageous position generally and on the economy especially, cannot let this fight play out much longer, or let his job numbers fall further. READ MORE |
| A.J. Rice, RCM Few things are more insincere than apologizing for what someone else did - especially when they didn't even do it. But that's just what California's "committee on reparations" for the descendants of... READ MORE |
| Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments What is long term? That's a question with many answers depending on your point of view. Some people might think a year is long term. I had a client tell me once that he was so old he didn't buy green... READ MORE | View All Today's Links | (Ad) - It's totally Free. Daily we'll provide you with advance notice of the date/time of major stock earnings announcements. Also, receive predicted moves into Earnings for each stock from our proprietary volatility indicator. Click to automatically subscribe. |