
Those Working From Home May Be In For '21 Tax Surprise

Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes

Millions of employees could be in for a rude surprise next April when they find out their home office isn't deductible and the states can't agree on who gets their money. Time to put a tax pro on speed dial?

Why Great Wealth Isn't Everything to Anthony Scaramucci

Emily Cegielski, Worth

Anthony Scaramucci recently spoke with Worth about the state of the world, the state of his many businesses and why living in the present is so important.

President Trump's Ridiculous Gambit With the Payroll Tax

Ryan Cooper, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Growth Is Only Answer to Warming

Joakim Book, American Institute for Economic Research

In the rousing stories of climate change news this spring, polar bears are never far away. As a visual reminder of the melting ice from which they hunt seals, the devastation that carbon-powered societies seem to cause these majestic animals is a serious issue. But they also demonstrate that nature is not nice.

Economy Is Reknitting Itself, So Leave It Alone

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

This past Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics provided a bit of good news for the beleaguered coronavirus economy: Some 1.8 million jobs were added to the economy in July, and the unemployment rate ticked down to 10.2%. Thinking optimistically, an economy with roughly 10% unemployment is a 90% economy â?" 90% of those in the labor force who want a job have one. Viewed another way, according to payroll data there were 140 million people employed in July. The BLS household survey, which generates the unemployment rate, indicated there were 16.3 million looking for work.

Trump's Misleading Econ. Spin Won't End Before 11/3

Christine Romans, CNN

With three months to go until Election Day, the president is sticking to his playbook when it comes to the economy. He's still taking credit for the positive, ignoring the negative and making stuff up to cater to his base.

C-19 Gives Biden, Dems Excuse to Pursue Socialism

Kelly Sadler, Washington Times

Coronavirus is giving the Democrats — and their presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden — an excuse to radically shift the course of this country to socialism. Michelle Obama said the quiet part out-loud in a podcast last week. While talking to journalist Michele Norris, Mrs. Obama said that the coronavirus pandemic was actually an opportunity to think about “how wealth is distributed” in America.

Taxing Rich Won't Do Anything to Save Social Security

Sean Williams, Motley Fool

Next week, Social Security will celebrate its 85th anniversary since being signed into law. Without question, it's America's top social program, supplying benefits to more than 64 million people a month and pulling 22 million of these folks out of poverty.

One Reason to Like Harris: She Wants to Give out Money

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

She's not the veep pick of the left's dreams, but she's not the veep pick of its memes, either.

The Redstones' Father-Daughter Feud

Tiffany Hsu & Edmund Lee, The New York Times

A period of estrangement between Shari Redstone and her combative father, Sumner Redstone, ended with a reconciliation before his death and the daughter taking over the family empire.

A Mad Rush For the Exits As NYC Goes Down the Tubes

Editorial, New York Post

It's not just a few Upper West Siders who are fleeing New York: Moving companies say they're swamped with calls from residents looking to ditch the city â?" even though the COVID crisis has waned.

Keystone Jobs a Welcome Alt. to Pink-Slip Economy

David Williams, Issues & Insights

Policymakers should reject 'green' boondoggles and allow this project to create real opportunities for American workers.

July CPI: Large Increases Unlikely to Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Does Diversification Still Work?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

During periods of market volatility, we need strategic asset allocation and diversification more than ever. Find out more from Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Why Investors Should Consider Taxable Munis

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Taxable municipal bonds can offer higher yields without excessive additional credit risk.

How Will 2020 Election Affect Market?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

If the IMF Is Right, a BIG IF, Then We'll Lose a Year

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The IMF just updated its economic projections for this year and the year after. The bad news is that this year, economic output is expected to plunge almost 5%. The good news is that output next year is expected to spike at a faster rate than this year's plunge, at almost 5.5%.

What Could a Weaker Dollar Mean for Your Portfolio?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The U.S. dollar has been showing signs of weakening, a trend that may underscore the importance of global diversification.

Economy Keeps Living Down to Expectations

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Reading the Dollar Doldrums

Mohamed El-Erian, Project Syndicate

A sharp decline in the relative value of the dollar this year has been met with cheers from those hoping for a short-term boost to the US economy, and with hand-wringing by those worried about the currency's global standing. But while both views reflect underlying truths, neither tells the whole story.

Start-Ups Braced for the Worst. It Never Came.

Erin Griffith, The New York Times

The doomsday warnings about tech start-ups failing in the pandemic have not yielded the shakeout that many expected a few months ago.

The Definitive Guide to the All Weather Portfolio

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

The definitive guide to Ray Dalio's All Weather Portfolio.

Buffett's Favorite Market Indicator Flashes A Sell

Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch

A sell signal is flashing on Buffett"s favorite indicator

Will An S&P Record High Be The Start Of Something Big?

Patti Domm, CNBC

The S&P 500 is nearing its all-time high, a level that could serve as a launch pad for bigger gains.

Will The Economic Rebound Fade In The 2nd Half?

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

There are still too many unknowns to develop a high confidence forecast for the second half of 2020

Trump's Anti-Despair Economics

Casey Mulligan, City Journal

Donald Trump's policies for marginalized Americans closely resemble the recommendations made in a new bookâ?"though its authors don't seem to recognize it.

The Bullish Case For Bonds Even With Very Low Rates

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Counting for inflation and taxes, interest rates aren?t particularly low

What Makes a Good Investor? Experience Beats Smarts

Jared Dillian, MarketWatch

A lot of people get into the money-management business when they are young, and they haven't seen a whole cycle, just one-half of one

Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows. Time to Refinance?

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Whether or not it pays to refinance your mortgage today boils down to two factors: Do you qualify for the best mortgage rates out there? Will you stay in your home long enough to actually reap some savings? The higher your credit score, the more likely you are to snag a competitive refinance rate. But if your credit isn't great, then refinancing may not make sense. That's because if the rate you qualify for is comparable to the rate you're already paying, there's not a lot of savings to be reaped when we factor in closing costs.

Musk & Bezos's Space Plans: Crazier Than We Thought

Reed Tucker, New York Post

The future of space is largely in the hands of free-spending, big-dreaming billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.

What Indians Lost When Their Government Banned TikTok

Nitish Pahwa, Slate

The app had become an escape from a repressive government and a brutal pandemic.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

How Bonds Beat Stocks In The Long Run

Jules H. van Binsbergen, Knowledge@Wharton

That's not how this is supposed to work.

Media Alarmism About Kids, COVID & School Reopenings

Matt Welch, Reason

Kids do not catch or spread or suffer from coronavirus at the same rate as adults, no matter what your newspaper is telling you this week.

Expiring vs. Permanent Skills

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Some skills are as essential today as they were 100 years ago.

Can't Fight This Feeling

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

But for the first time, the boundary-testing behaviors of retail speculators really do remind me of how I felt in 1999 and 2000.

Dollar Sensationalism

Barry Eichengreen, Project Syndicate

The dollar's fall in July to a two-year low against the euro was the catalyst for sensational headlines shouting that the dollar would soon meet its doom. But too much should not be read into the dollar's recent moves, which reflect readily explicable fluctuations, not the greenback's terminal decline.

The Bubble Century

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

Over the past decade, I’ve frequently argued that this will be the century of “bubbles”. I use scare quotes because bubbles don’t actually exist—i.e. they are not a useful concept. Rather this will be a century full of asset price movements wrongly seen as bubbles.

The New Puritans

Matt Taibbi, Substack

The attack on congressional candidate Alex Morse for consensual sexual relationships is disturbing for many reasons, but mostly because it reveals a new American phobia toward adulthood
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